If you're thinking, 'Who wants to read a collection of essays about torture?' you may want to reconsider... This fascinating volume examines the nature of torture, its uses, and our perceptions of it. -- John Lewis Baltimore Magazine 2009 This book appears at an extraordinary moment. -- Bill Griffin Catholic Worker 2009 This edited collection is an excellent and illuminating addition to the literature on the torture policy of the Bush administration during its war on terror. Unflinching and unforgiving. -- Karen J. Greenberg Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs 2009 Unflinching and unforgiving, Hilde's volume impresses the reader not just with the depravity of the world of torture that the United States chose to enter but with the sense that the road back to human decency will be a difficult one-one framed, as Dorfman suggests, by the refusal to let fear justify that which erases our humanity. -- Karen J. Greenberg Ethics and International Affairs 2009