'The relationship between Security and Migration is one that should concern us all and this volume provides a thought-provoking academic analysis and unique contributions by leading European researchers on key questions. It could not be more timely and policy makers as well as academics have much to gain from pondering the weighty question raised by the authors.' Allan Findlay, University of Dundee, UK 'This book addresses an increasingly important but rather neglected aspect of migration: security. By approaching the issue from different European perspectives it points to new insights into contemporary migration theories and practices.' Claire Wallace, University of Aberdeen, UK 'The book covers a large variety of themes ranging from the dilemmas involved in policy making on immigration to racism and xenophobia. It also balances neatly between theoretical and empirical matters, offering both conceptual rigor and highly interesting and useful real-world insights. However, the methodological and meta-theoretical variation is also considerable. Poststructuralist affinities with ever so abstract conceptions of right bearers, duties, and obligations as well as more rational and straight-forward formulations of security are found side by side in the book... Security, Insecurity and Migration in Europe offers several useful viewpoints into the issue of immigration in Europe. It may well serve as an impetus for further exploration of the complicated issue of immigration.' Nordic Journal of Migration Research 'Though the topic as such is not new, the edited volume is a very timely contribution insofar as individual chapters take into account many of the structural changes that potentially have an impact on migration and security... Security, Insecurity and Migration in Europe lays strong emphasis on insecurity, human security and the role of the individual in general. It thus reflects the change from a security notion focused on nation states to one focused on individu