<p>Transatlantic relations are often reduced to security matters. This book responds to the need for more comprehensive analyses of various policy sectors and arenas in which the EU and the US interact. These are embedded in larger theoretical debates, thus skillfully connecting theory and practice in this valuable handbook.</p><p>Markus Thiel, <i>Florida International University, USA</i></p><p>An intellectual gold mine for scholars and practitioners alike, this book unlocks the full complexity of Transatlantic relations. Breaking down policy silos, it goes beyond the diplomatic tip of the Transatlantic iceberg to shed light on the submerged processes, actors and institutions that structure this cooperative, competitive and conflictual relationship. </p><p>Jean-Baptiste Velut, <i>Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, France.</i></p><p>With this seminal work Elaine Fahey assembled an impressive selection of authoritative voices on Transatlantic relations from both sides of the pond who delivered rigorous, original, and thought-provoking contributions providing a consistent narrative on a crucial relationship that has been and will remain difficult before, during, and after President Trump. </p><p>Professor Martin Trybus, <i>University of Birmingham, UK</i></p><p>In an increasingly bipolar world, the US-EU relationship should be one of strength and coherence. Yet, as the Handbook vividly shows, this relationship remains unstable and multifaceted. New crises and actions by a plurality of transatlantic actors are constantly re-shaping the balance of powers in diplomacy, policy, and law across the Atlantic.</p><p>Fernanda G. Nicola, <i>Washington College of Law, American University, USA</i></p>
The Routledge Handbook of Transatlantic Relations is an essential and comprehensive reference for the regulation of transatlantic relations across a range of subjects, bringing together contributions from scholars, policy makers, lawyers and political scientists. Future oriented in a range of fields, it probes the key technical, procedural and policy issues for the US of dealing with, negotiating, engaging and law-making with the EU, taking a broad interdisciplinary perspective including international relations, politics, political economic and law, EU external relations law and international law and assesses the external consequences of transatlantic relations in a systematic and comprehensive fashion.
The transatlantic relationship constitutes one of the most established and far-reaching democratic alliances globally, and which has propelled multilateralism, trade regulation and the EU-US relationship in global challenges. The different contributions will propose solutions to overcome these problems and help us understand the shifting transatlantic agenda in diverse areas from human rights, to trade, and security, and the capacity of the transatlantic relationship to set new international agendas, standards and rules.
The Routledge Handbook of Transatlantic Relations will be a key reference for scholars, students and practitioners of Transatlantic Relations/EU-US relations, EU External Relations law, EU rule-making, EU Security law and more broadly to global governance, International law, international political economy and international relations.
The Routledge Handbook on the International Dimension of Transatlantic Relations is an essential and comprehensive reference for the regulation of transatlantic relations across a range of subjects, bringing together contributions from scholars, policy makers, lawyers and political scientists.
Elaine Fahey
SECTION I: EU and US Intra-Organisations Relations
1 Connecting the US Congress and the European Parliament: The Work and Role of the EP Liaison O□ffice in Washington DC
Joseph Dunne
2 EU-US Relations in a Changing World
David O’Sullivan
3 Negotiating with the European Union – A U.S. Perspective
Kenneth Propp
4 Transatlantic Parliamentary Cooperation at Fifty
Davor Jancic
5 The Rise of Informal International Organizations
Charles B. Roger
6 The Revival of Transatlantic Partnership? EU-US Coordination in Sanctions Policy
Peter Van Elsuwege and Viktor Szép
7 The EU and US Global Human Rights Sanction Regimes: Useful Complementary Instruments to Advance Protection of Universal Values? A Legal Appraisal
Sara Poli
8 NATO and Transatlantic Security Relations
Gabriella Bolstad and Karsten Friis
SECTION II: Trade, Investment and Cooperation in Transatlantic Relations
9 Transatlantic Economic and Legal Disintegration? Between Anglo-Saxon Neo-Liberal Nationalism, Authoritarian State-Capitalism and Europe’s Ordo-Liberal Multilevel Constitutionalism
Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann
10 Reverberations of the CJEU Achmea B.V. Decision in the Transatlantic Space
Jenya Grigorova
11 Executive Accountability in Unilateral Trade Policy: A Transatlantic Perspective
Thomas Verellen
12 Transatlantic Energy Relations: A Brief History and a Tentative Outlook
Simon Dekeyrel
13 Transatlantic Trade Relations: Domestic Obstacles and Strategic Opportunities
L. Johan Eliasson
14 Taking Back Control: The Political Economy of Investment Screening in the US and EU
Michelle Egan
SECTION III: Norm Promotion Practices of the EU and US in the Digital Age
15 The Future of the EU-US Privacy Shield
Elaine Fahey and Fabien Terpan
16 The EU and US Transatlantic Agendas on Taxation
Maria Kendrick
17 The “Beneficial Divergence” in the Transatlantic Approach to Competition Law Enforcement Towards Platform and Ecosystem Competition
Giulio Kowalski
18 Who Occupies the Transatlantic Data Privacy Space? Assessing the Evolving Dynamics, Underlying Reasons and the Way Forward
Maria Tzanou
SECTION IV: The Political and Economic Character of Transatlantic Relations
19 The Transatlantic Regulatory Relationship: Limited Conflict, Less Competition and a New Approach to Cooperation
Alasdair R. Young
20 Bilateral, Trilateral or - Quadrilateral? The UK-US Trade Relations in a Global Context
Peter Holmes and Minako Morita-Jaeger
21 Anglo-American Power in the Wake of Brexit and America First: A Crisis at the Heart of the Liberal International Order
Inderjeet Parmar and Mark Ledwidge
22 The Measurement, Structure and Dynamics of the Transatlantic Current Account
Martin T. Braml and Gabriel J. Felbermayr
23 Asymmetry and Civil Society Backlash: Changing European Calculations in Trans-Atlantic Investment Relations from CETA to TTIP and Beyond
Robert G. Finbow
24 Transatlantic Relations in a Changing World
Marianne Riddervold, Akasemi Newsome, and Albert Didriksen
Om bidragsyterne
Elaine Fahey is Professor of Law at the City Law School, City, University of London.