<i>‘Expertly curated by Bruce and Todd Newman, this collection of articles by leading international scholars elegantly encapsulates the principles and practices of political marketing in the early twenty-first century. Particularly noteworthy is the topical focus on digital populism, political branding, and the role of scandal in electoral campaigns.’</i>
- Richard Tempest, University of Illinois, US,
<i>‘Understanding contemporary politics is to understand marketing. Bruce and Todd Newman have edited a volume that can instruct modern princes on the virtue needed to gain and hold power. But democracy can prevail only if research in this </i>arcana imperii<i> is used also to educate and empower citizens as voters.’</i>
- Dejan Verčič, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia,
<i>‘This fascinating book, with contributions from leading political marketing scholars worldwide, comes at a sadly propitiously time, as democracy is imploding amid the growth of ideologically extreme groups untethered to truth, ferociously marketing their political ideas. Co-editors Bruce Newman and Todd Newman, and their assemblage of assiduous scholars, have produced a book that addresses the multitude of issues facing contemporary political marketing, offering luminous insights on issues spanning digital populism, political disaffection, issues management, branding, ethical chasms, and the bête noire of political campaigning: propaganda. Students and researchers will come away with new perspectives from this stimulating book.’</i>
- Richard M. Perloff, Cleveland State University, US and author of The Dynamics of Political Communication (3rd. edition),