Should you read this book? Absolutely. It’s an invaluable discussion of how immanence and government coincide in our Janus-faced present, a trenchant analysis of liberal resilience modes of government and what they demand of our souls, and is a confident expression of what a new, destituted humanism could be.
Society & Space
This fantastic book is centred on debates about how people understand themselves and their relations to the world. The back and forth discussion gets to the heart of current issues like resilience – with its doubtful, vulnerable and dependent subjects. At a time when the liberal subject appears shrunk and degraded, this timely debate somehow tries to find hope that there are more creative and fulfilling alternatives.
- Jonathan Joseph, Professor of Politics, The University of Sheffield,
The Neoliberal Subject offers a timely and trenchant dialogue on neoliberalism from two of the world’s most incisive critical international relations theorists. It adds immeasurable depth to the debate on neoliberalism, revealing its resonance with the widely popular categories of vulnerability, resilience and adaptation. A must read for any serious reader of contemporary precariousness and the political economies of risk and global environmental change.
- Andrew Baldwin, Associate Professor in Human Geography, Durham University,
This most unusual of books stands united against the enemy of the diminished subject of neoliberalism found in the apologias of resilience and adaptation. Its authors however engage in a friendly but spirited rivalry over the origins of this subject and the alternatives to it. The result is an important radical debate on the potentials and risks of contemporary political reason and imagination.
- Mitchell Dean, Professor of Public Governance, Copenhagen Business School,