1. IntroductionPART I: Communication and Infrastructure2. Building a Communist Tower of Babel: Esperanto and the Language Politics of Internationalism in Revolutionary Russia, Brigid O’Keeffe (Brooklyn College, CUNY, USA)3. Coded Internationalism and Telegraphic Language, Heidi Tworek (University of British Columbia, Canada)4. ‘The Most International of Languages’: English and the Global Publics of Internationalism, Valeska Huber (Freie Universität Berlin, Germany)5. Radio and Revolution: Tirana via Bari, from Moscow to Beijing, Elidor Mehilli (Hunter College, CUNY, USA)PART II: Local Encounters6. Speaking the Language of Humanitarianism or ‘Speaking Bolshevik’? Visions and Vocabularies of Refugee Relief in Soviet Armenia, Jo Laycock (Manchester University, UK)7. Yugoslav Refugees and British Relief Workers in Italian and Egyoptian Refugee Camps, 1944-1946, Kornelija Ajlec (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)8. Local and Global: Women Religious, Catholic Internationalism and Social Justice, Carmen Mangion (Birkbeck, UK)9. Knowledge as Aid: Locals, Experts, International Health Organizations and building the First Czechoslovak Penicillin Factory, 1944-49, Slawomir Lotysz (Institute for the History of Science, Warsaw, Poland)PART III: Internationalism as Activism10. Student Activists and International Cooperation in a Changing World 1919-1960, (Daniel Laqua, University of Northumbria, UK)11. Vegetables of the World Unite! Grassroots Internationalization of Disabled Citizens in the Post-War Period, Monika Baar (University of Leiden, Netherlands) 12. “A Writer Deserves to be Paid for his Work”: American Progressive Writers, Foreign Royalties, and the Limits of Soviet Internationalism in the Mid-to-Late 1950s, Kristy Ironside (McGill University, Canada)13. Sowing the Seed of the Gospel in the Work of World Reconstruction: Catholic Internationalists and the WHO, David Brydan (King’s College London, UK)PART IV: Europe in a Global Context14. Where is Europe? The Seagoing Cowboys and the Post-war Relief Project Jessica Reinisch (Birkbeck, UK)15. Internationalists in Flight? Tourism, Propaganda, and the Making of Air France’s Global Empire, Jessica Pearson (Macalester College, USA)16. Even Better Than the Real Thing? The United States, the TVA, and the Development of the Mekong, Vincent Lagendijk (Maastricht University, The Netherlands)17. Epilogue/ AfterwordBibliographyIndex
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