`The ground is laid out with precision ... and if Sen is not a great stylist, he is certainly a master of his craft'
David Miller, Times Literary Supplement
`this book is not a work of political theory, and it does not start from the political questions that themselves create the demand for an understanding of equality. Sen is both an economist and a moral philosopher, but he approaches the problems of equality by a route that runs from economic theory ... Sen's acute analysis and his remarkable powers of making subtle and relevant distinctions combine with his astonishing range of information to make instruments suitable for immediate political application ... compelling and elegantly argued book.'
London Review of Books
`important issue, then, as Sen has helpfully insisted over many years, is not whether we are in favour of equality, but rather: equality of what? ... Sen is both an economists and a moral philosopher, but he approaches the problems of equality by a route than runs from economic theory ... Sen's acute analysis and his remarkable powers of making subtle and relevant distinctions combine with his astonishing range of information to make instruments suitable for immediate political application ... compelling and elegantly argued book'
London Review of Books
`compelling and elegantly argued book'
London Review of Books