This timely and extremely valuable collection of original essays will soon be recognized as a seminal work on U.S. immigration policy. Consistently well-written and provocative studies integrate the distrubingly regressive U.S. policy resonse to contemporary immigration. The authors make explicit how democratic discourse and practice are eroded by a virulent anti-immigrant policy.
- Pedro A. Cabàn, Rutgers University,
An impressive group of authors from a number of different disciplines—sociology, anthropology, political science, and law—provide reasoned, clearly written, and courageous positions promoting a progressive agenda on immigration. Topics include human rights, open borders, immigrant-native social relations, and immigrant contributions to the economy and society. While not everyone will agree with the authors' arguments, the book succeeds because of its lucid presentations and compelling empirical examples. This book will be used widely in classrooms as a source of information and to provoke debate on important societal issues related to immigration.
- Leo R. Chavez, University of California, Irvine,
The essays are interesting and thought-provoking.
Multicultural Review