<p><strong>`In this pathbreaking book, Peterson employs the empirical record of US-European relations since 1989 to assess four major theories of international relations, thus linking detailed historical understanding, general social scientific theory, and prudent policy prescription. This comprehensive tour d'horizon is a splendid point of departure for understanding this critical yet puzzling transition in modern internatioal relations.'</strong> - <em>Andrew Moravcsik</em><br /><br /><strong>`John Peterson's book contains a well-informed, original and eloquent analysis of EC-EU relations. </strong><em>Europe and America</em><strong> is a "must" for those readers who want to look ahead and go beyond the traditional presentation of transatlantic relations.'</strong> - <em>Youri Devuyst, Free University Brussels</em><br /><br /><strong>`A valuable book, as it provides a concise and lucid account of the evolution of the EC-US relationship in the context of an uncertain post-Cold War world.'</strong> - <em>Totis Kotsonis, Millennium</em><br /><br /><strong>`Logical and well balanced in construction. Comprehensive and meticulous in its cross-referencing and handling of sources, timely and thought-provoking in its discussion.'</strong> - <em>Sir Leslie Fielding, Journal of Common Market Studies</em><br /><br /><strong>`John Peterson has produced a well-argued assessment of the problem. It should stimulate students to think critically about the issues, and provoke all of us... to think further about the wider implications of a much discussed subject.'</strong> - <em>Roger Morgan, International Affairs</em><br /><br /><strong>`Peterson is especially strong on the impact of domestic politics, and particularly on US politics in historical perspective; he produces telling evaluations of the impact of poat-Cold Wasr changes in both Europe and the USA.'</strong> - <em>Michael Smith, West European Politics</em></p>