Cold Peace takes us on a fascinating tour through the Himalayas to the Indian Ocean and from Tibet to Pakistan to deconstruct the complex layers of the Sino-Indian relationship. In describing the rivalrous cooperation between China and India, Jeff M. Smith has crafted the rare book that is valuable to the veteran policymaker and accessible to the interested reader.
- Kurt Campbell, former Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Chairman and CEO of The Asia Group, LLC,
Smith’s analysis sheds new light on the complex dynamics underpinning the turbulent China-India relationship. Part history book, part policy tome, Cold Peace delivers.
- Richard Myers, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
Drawing upon numerous interviews, as well as other material, Jeff M. Smith demonstrates why the interactions among India, Pakistan and China, are, and will continue to be, of vital concern to the U.S. policy makers for years to come.
- Dov Zakheim, former Under Secretary of Defense,
Cold Peace offers a comprehensive survey of the geostrategic interaction between China and India. Smith looks into little-studied arenas of rivalry such as the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Based on extensive interviews with Indian and Chinese analysts, this book gives new insight into the views and policies of both Beijing and New Delhi. A solid, insightful, first rate work.
- John W. Garver, Georgia Institute of Technology; author of Protracted Contest: Sino-Indian Rivalry in the Twentieth Century,