"This smart, well-executed set of essays should interest not only tacticians of counterinsurgency warfare but anyone seeking to understand how politicized religion confronts the practical dilemmas of struggling for power"--Jack Snyder, Robert and Renée Belfer Professor of International Relations, Columbia University
"When insurgent or terrorist use the shield of holy places as a weapon of war, how should governments respond? Treading on Hallowed Ground is the best book to appear on this subject. Readers will find clear thinking, clear writing, and complete coverage of relevant history in these pages. This volume will be must reading for all students of counterinsurgency and counter-terror strategy."--Stephen Van Evera, Professor of Political Science, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology
"Christine Fair and Sumit Ganguly have done an admirable job.... Thanks to this book...we can now identify some valuable lessons that warrant our attention."--Small Wars Journal
DO NOT FEED: "This well-crafted, but narrowly focused study will be of interest primarily to officials and scholars concerned with counterinsurgency in the postmodern world...Optional."--Choice