’There are a number of features that distinguish this volume from a great many recent (and less recent) works on theological hermeneutics in a postmodern context.... The editors’ introduction is to my mind an excellent stand-alone map of where postmodern theological interpretation is situated today, ... Reading Spiritualities forms a snapshot of contemporary thought on the concept of sacred texts. ...asserting the continued relevance of doing theology with a political edge, yet without staying boxed in a room of one's own.’Journal of Literature and Theology 'Reading Spiritualities is accessible to both scholars in the field of contemporary theology and culture and to others who are interested in what is becoming recognized as a dynamic and increasingly important area for research and study. ... It is a collection that succeeds in opening up new ways of thinking about sacred texts and, with the rise of fundamentalism, we are reminded of the need for a view of religious thought that is critical and open to other perspectives.' Christianity and Literature '... this is an exciting volume that reflects the growing interest in spirituality and the inter-textual relationships that can be opened up in many different places. It is widely accessible for the general reader whilst also being suitable for specialists in the fields of theology religious studies, cultural and literary studies.' Theological Book Review 'This vivacious collection examines the very terms it sets up to describe. ’Reading’ and ’Spirituality’ are de-shrouded and in this sense the book presents a tantalising array of potentials and possibilities for research in this wide arena.' Journal of Contemporary Religion