Can activism be considered a leisure activity? Can the Occupy movement, local campaigns for change and lone acts of personal resistance be understood as events? Within the field of Events Management the content of events is generally analyzed within three categories—culture, sport or business. Such a typology can be helpful as a heuristic for interpretation and analysis within a commercial paradigm. However, this framework overlooks and depoliticizes a significant variety of events, those more accurately construed as protest. Protests as Events is the first book to explore activism as a leisure activity and protests as events; using a fresh interpretation of event to develop a new critical politics of events and leisure. Bringing together a range of cutting edge research from around the world, it explores a variety of protests through the lens of events studies and leisure in order to understand how the study of events management might be conceptualized in the protest space.
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Protests as Events: Politics, Activism and Leisure is an edited collection that explores activism as a leisure activity and protests as events.
Introduction- Ian Lamond and Karl Spracklen/ Part I Mediatisation and Media Spectacle/ 1 The construction of contested public spheres: Discourses of protest and identity in a British campaigning organisation- Ian Lamond, Cassandra Kilbride and Karl Spracklen/ 2 SlutWalk Hong Kong and the media - Angie Ng/ 3 Lights, camera, direct action: The protest spectacle as media opportunity and message sender - Jonathan Cable/ 4 Paving the way for anti-militarism in Romania: activists, events and public authorities during the 2008 NATO summit - Henry Rammelt/ Part II Identity, Embodiment and Categorization/ 5 Academic-activism(s) in urban resistances: Pioneers or obstacles for a common ground - Nezihe Basak Ergin/ 6 As Barriers Fall, contingency becomes possibility: Protest resisting and escaping containment and categorization - Christian Garland/ 7 ‘It’s a Beautiful Thing, the Destruction of Wor(l)ds’ - Aylwyn Walsh and Myrto Tsilimpounidi/ 8 The logic of movement practice: An embodiment approach to activist research - Raphael Schlembach/ Part III Events as Dissent/ 9 Sounds of Dissent: Music as Protest - Craig Robertson/ 10 Rave Culture – Free Party or Protest? - Rev. Ruth Dowson, Dan Lomax and Bernadette Theodore-Saltibus/ 11 Events of emancipation and spectacles of discontent - Nils-Christian Kumkar/ 12 Affective and spatial construction of identities in protest events - Tatiana Golova/ Conclusion – Ian Lamond and Karl Spracklen/ Notes on the Contributors/ Bibliography/ Index
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This Protest as Events book comes at a timely juncture in the evolution of the event management field. Until now this field has been dominated by a concern with the operational and logisitical but this book marks a shift in emphasis towards shaping a distinctly critical event studies where the very notion of what an event represents is open to critique. Formal political protests, everyday opposition to issues of social importance and online dissent are all covered in the this text. Furthermore its call to researchers to be explicit about their political and ethical commitments lays the foundation for a radical new way of seeing and understanding events.
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The first book to explore protest and social movement through the lens of Events Management and Leisure Studies Uses critical case studies from events and movements including Slutwalk Hong Kong, Plane Stupid and the Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army. Sets a new agenda for the discipline of Critical Events Studies
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Rowman & Littlefield International
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Ian Lamond is lecturer of events management at Leeds Metropolitan University. His research is concerned with the working practices of social movements and how such movements respond to policy change. His work has been presented at several international conferences—spanning disciplines such as political science; political communication, policy studies, critical tourism studies and critical discourse analysis. Karl Spracklen is Professor of leisure studies at Leeds Metropolitan University. He teaches leisure theory, popular culture; philosophy and sociology of sports science, as well as research methods and dissertation support, at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, across the School. He has published widely in the area of leisure studies with works including "Leisure, Sport and Society" (2013), "Whiteness and Leisure" (2013), "Constructing Leisure, Historical and Philosophical Debates" (2011) and "Habermas and the Meaning of Leisure" (2009) all with Palgrave Macmillan.