Foreword; Michael Lounsbury
Introduction: Organizational Wrongdoing as the “Foundational” Grand Challenge: Definitions and Antecedents; Claudia Gabbioneta, Marco Clemente, and Royston Greenwood
Chapter 1. Social Control Agents and the Evolving Definition of Wrongdoing: The Case of the Gray Area around the Mafia; Giulia Cappellaro, Amelia Compagni, and Eero Vaara
Chapter 2. A Bailout for the Outlaws: Interactions between Social Control Agents and the Perception of Organizational Misconduct; Rasmus Pichler, Thomas J. Roulet, and Lionel Paolella
Chapter 3. The Influence of Critical Events on the Social Control of Misconduct: Regulatory Enforcement in the European Banking Industry; Timo Fiorito, Richard Hoff, and Michel Ehrenhard
Chapter 4. Scandal as Moral Interaction: A New Perspective on the Publicization of Organizational Misconduct; Julien Jourdan
Chapter 5. Single-Actor Scandal or Multiple-Actor Scandal? A Framework for Studying Scandal Dynamics; Yasir Dewan and Michael Jensen
Chapter 6. Media Framing of a Scandal: The Path to Redemption or the Road to Perdition?; Esther R. Maier and Eve Lamargot
Chapter 7. Conditioned by Upbringing: Executives’ Childhood Social Class and Corporate Crime; Alexandru V. Roman, Ivana Naumovska, and Jerayr Haleblian
Chapter 8. What about my Occupation? A Multidimensional View of Workplace Identification and Unethical Pro-organizational Behaviour; Trevor Coppins and Johanna Weststar
Chapter 9. Organizational Wrongdoing, Boundary Work, and Systems of Exclusion: The Case of the Volkswagen Emissions Scandal; Laura Fey and John Amis
Chapter 10. How Street-Level Misconduct Happens: Deploying References to Complex Routines as a Coping Strategy with Detrimental Consequences; Przemysław G. Hensel and Piotr T. Makowski
Chapter 11. Keeping the “Men” in Longshoremen: The Origins of Lasting Discrimination against Women in the Longshore Occupation; Meena Andiappan and Lucas Dufour
Chapter 12. Where was Internal Audit? Professional Misconduct and the Wells Fargo Scandal; Elena Antonacopoulou, Regina F. Bento, and Lourdes F. White
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