"In this illuminating and intelligently written book, Anne Phillips stresses the need to revise holistic and determinist notions of 'culture' that have played a role in perpetuating racial and gender stereotypes within multiethnic and multicultural societies...Drawing from an impressive breadth of literature, ranging from feminism, law, anthropology to philosophy and political theory, Phillips provides numerous case studies to highlight how women in particular, are disadvantaged by multicultural policies and cultural labeling...This is a superb and deeply relevant contribution to current debates and various fields of study."--Payal Patel, Feminist Review "This important text raises two main issues. First, it asks advocates of multiculturalism to reject the reified concept of culture on which their arguments often rely, and to embrace instead 'multiculturalism without culture'...Second, the book demands recognition that everyone is a member of culture...it is frequently mistakenly assumed that only members of minority cultures are molded by their cultures."--P.T. Lenard, Choice "Phillips' book is ... a worthwhile read for scholars, students and policy makers alike: thanks to its lucid style, the thorough review of existing theories and approaches and especially due to the numerous examples, it provides an accessible and thought-provoking lecture."--Claudia Franziska Bruhwiler, Political Studies Review "Phillips' work is invaluable to anyone wishing to engage with issues posed by cultural diversity yet frustrated with existing theoretical and discursive frameworks for doing so. Her careful analysis and use of varied examples provides much scope for thought and development and leaves one with the hope that there is a future for multiculturalism."--Sonya Fernandez, Feminist Legal Studies "Multiculturalism without Culture is a provocative book: Phillips intends that neither multiculturalists nor cosmopolitans should have an easy ride. Both sets of theorists, however, will find things to agree with as well as to contest, making the book an intriguing challenge to prevailing normative approaches todiversity. As a further strength, Multiculturalism without Culture describes and discusses a wealth of difficult multicultural issues, often in the form of specific legal... It therefore provides a good source for anyone wanting to know more about the current state of multicultural politics and law."--Clare Chambers, British Journal of Sociology "[T]he volume is well worth the effort of thoughtfully considering the discussions offered. Individuals wanting to explore multicultural issues beyond cultural sensitivity will relish the in-depth analyses provided. Psychologists wanting to explore perspectives from other fields (law, sociology, anthropology) on the topic will appreciate finding the scholarly discussion in one place."--Mary Dugan, PsycCRITIQUES "This is a very good book written in Anne Phillips's inimitable conceptually precise, theoretically acute, fair-minded, and plain English style. Phillips operates as a political theorist who seeks to clarify the quagmire of issues that beset contemporary multiculturalism."--Anna Yeatman, H-Net Reviews "This is an impressive and timely book... Phillips' treatment of this complex and important topic exemplifies the very best of feminist critical thinking."--Suzanne Dovi, Cambridge Journals