'A fascinating and scrupulously executed account of the research programme that Mannheim initiated with his advanced students at Frankfurt in the final years of the Weimar Republic. The authors uncover both sociological work and sociologists neglected in the literature, at the same time providing a stellar exemplar of what the intellectual history of the social sciences might be.' Guy Oakes, Monmouth University, USA 'No one knows Mannheim better, or has more persuasively documented his multi-dimensional greatness, than Volker Meja, David Kettler and Colin Loader. Their new work introduces readers to a network of scholars, many of whom are lost to history, whose lives were touched by Mannheim's personality and his sociology of knowledge. Read this marvellous book and discover a chapter in Weimar sociology that will surprise and inform you.' Peter Baehr, Lingnan University, Hong Kong 'The authors are to be thanked for creating a set of generational linkages - the Weber brothers, Karl Mannheim, Mannheim's students who became emigré academics in the USA and mentors of the next generation of sociologists - and actualizing the recurring dilemmas of the sociological intelligentsia. Place this book on third year reading lists.' Canadian Journal of Sociology ’The world of scholarship owes a large debt to the longstanding efforts of David Kettler and his associates Volker Meja and Colin Loader to deepen our understanding of the work of Karl Mannheim. In a series of books retrieving the intellectual and institutional contexts of Mannheim's sociology, and in the spectacular find of the full version of Mannheim's Conservatism manuscript, Kettler and company have done immense service in keeping Mannheim's work alive in Anglophone scholarship. If such a thing as "Mannheim Studies" could be said to exist, it is predominantly sustained by their prodigious exegetical and translation efforts.’ Critical Sociology