"In this brief volume, Eagleton has produced both a thoughtful analysis of cultural theories as well as a shrewd, liberal dissection of current social and political trends."<i>Publishers Weekly</i><br /> <p>"Eagleton's latest book promises to be an important addition to the field of cultural studies." <i>Library Journal</i><br /> </p> <p>"A magnificent reassertion of timeless cultural values." <i>The Observer</i><br /> </p> <p>"A voice of sanity amid the roar of turbo-capitalism."<i>Independent</></i><br /> </p> <p>"As always, Eagleton shows a provocative wealth of learning. He is able to see the many sides of a problem, to put it in context and suggest new ways of viewing it, a healthy corrective to the soundbite society."<i>Times Higher Education Supplement</i><br /> </p> <p>"Stimulating and very readable. The Idea of Culture is a book which challenges our attention."<i>The Irish Times</i></p>