Management, business, and other scholars from the US, Korea, Europe, Canada, and Israel provide 11 essays based on papers given at the Fourth Triennial Alberta Institutions Conference, held in June 2015 in Banff, Canada, on how institutions matter to socio-economic life, focusing on the micro foundations of institutional impacts in this volume (a second volume focuses on the macro consequences of institutional arrangements). They examine how institutional logics shape individual action; how they relate to frame construction in the emergence of an economic democracy; how institutions get materialized in space, in the context of Jerusalem's Western Wall; a bottom-up approach to institutional logics; practice variation in finance organizations for social impact; domestic tradition as a source of institutional practices and everyday living; the role of denial and emotions in institutional stability and change; rigid environments consisting of established cultures with barriers to change; the impact of temporal structures in institutions; institutional contradictions in political party discourses on education and accountability policy; and how institutionalists matter.
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