<p>"If you want to find out about post-modern anything, it is here in this encyclopedia." - <em>American Reference Books Annual</em></p>
<p><strong>'This encyclopedia provides a useful overview of current British cultural activity - of interest to the academic and general reader. An excellent book to browse through.'</strong> - <em> Library Association Record 102(6) 2000</em><br /><br /><strong>'The book promises to become an institution, indispensable for the countless adepts who, trained in one discipline, are driven by the interdisciplinary demands of cultural studies into alien territories of contemporary culture.'</strong> - <em>Journal for the Study of British Cultures</em><br /><br /><strong>'a comprehensive and wide ranging, readable and accessible snapshot encyclopedia of contemporary British culture.'</strong> - <em>Reference Reviews 14/3 [2000] 47-58</em></p>