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Alessio Maria Braccini is Professor of Organisation Studies at the Department of Economics Engineering Society and Business Organisations (DEIM) at the University of Tuscia in Viterbo (Italy). His research interests concern the study of the impact of ICT at the individual, team and organisational levels. His research has appeared in journals such as the Information Systems Journal (ISJ), Information and Organization (I&O), Technological Forecasting and Social Change, International Journal of Accounting Information Systems (IJAIS), the Government Information Quarterly (GIQ) and the Communications of AIS (CAIS). His work has also been presented at ICIS, ECIS, BIS, MCIS, ItAIS and WOA conferences.
Francesca Ricciardi is Full Professor of Business Organization and Organizational Behavior at the Department of Management, University of Turin (Italy). She serves as the President of the interdisciplinary Master’s Degree in Digital Administration and Management at the University of Turin. She regularly teaches at several PhD, MBA and other post-graduate programmes. Her research interests span themes such as inter- and intra-organizational relationships, adaptive organizational learning, organizational logics, and the innovative organizing and management of common good systems (commons). On these topics, she has edited books and published international monographs and articles in journals such as TFSC, JBR, EMJ, GDN, JIC, IJEBR, IEMJ, KMRP, JIK.
Francesco Virili is Associate Professor of Organization and MIS at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Piacenza (Italy). He published in peer reviewed international journals on themes connected to the enabling effects of ICTs. He is an editorial board member of Information Systems and eBusiness Management, SN Business & Economics, Studi Organizzativi, Prospettive in Organizzazione.