"Cultural Citizenship is a brilliant and original treatise on citizenship and consumerism. It provides original and compelling perspectives on citizenship and a strong critique of how obsession with consumption has displaced concern for politics and citizenship in the U.S. (and elsewhere)... A model of a passionate and political cultural studies that engages key issues of the present moment." -Douglas Kellner, University of California, Los Angeles "Miller elegantly maps conceptions of 'cultural citizenship' across liberalism, cultural studies, area studies, and other domains, only to demonstrate that none suffice to address commercial television's abject failure to provide adequate reporting on fundamental issues and the U.S.'s 'major influences around the globe.'...Cultural Citizenship is a thought-provoking demonstration of what cultural studies can and should be at its politicized best." The International Journal of Communication "Miller provides a wealth of material exposing the commodifying and consumerizing effects of media." Choice "There's an impressive range of research and detail in this book." Media International Australia "This is a refreshing read, it is passionate and informed and offers a disturbing insight into some aspects of US society. Detractors will hate it and supporters will love it, while for those undecided on the role of media in society, reading this should be obligatory. Miller definitely offers some rich food for thought." The European Journal of Communication "Interesting and thought-provoking...many sections will be controversial." Multicultural Review