"The Actuality of Adorno offers a brilliant collection of essays on aspects of Adorno's work relevant to the fundamental themes of postmodernism. Max Pensky has assembled a group of foremost Continental scholars—Albrecht Wellmer, Hauke Brunkhorst, Ute Guzzoni, Peter Uwe Hohendahl, Miriam Hansen, Eva Geulen, and Wilhelm Wurzer—whose work constitutes the best of Adorno scholarship.<br /><br />"Adorno is not only popular currently, but his relationship to postmodernity, which Pensky's collection explores, opens up an entirely new area of Adorno scholarship that brings together those interested in critical theory and poststructuralism." — David M. Rasmussen, Boston College<br /><br />"Adorno is one of the most productive and seminal writers of our century. For a time, his work was somewhat pushed aside by Continental intellectual fashions. However, there are indications that the true stature of Adorno only now is beginning to emerge and to be recognized in its importance. This recognition could not have been done better than in Pensky's volume which assembles some of the leading experts on Adorno. Pensky's own introduction is a masterpiece of perceptive analysis and critical exegesis.<br /><br />"I often was stunned by the creative new insights generated. Although I am fairly familiar with Adorno's opus, I constantly found myself turning new corners and learning about new dimensions and vistas." — Fred Dallmayr, University of Notre Dame