This volume greatly advances our knowledge of how selves andidentities are continuously produced in the micro-level of dailyactivities and social interactions. The in-depth analyses in each of itschapters provide a magnified look into the complex intricacies ofidentity construction, maintenance, negotiation, and above all, change.It is undoubtedly a worthwhile and welcomed addition for researchers insocial sciences, particularly psychology and applied linguistics. It willalso be of great significance for graduate students interested in theseareas, as each chapter serves as an exemplar of various traditions andmethodologies in the study of narrative and identity.
- Davi S. Reis, The Pennsylvania State University, on Linguist List 19.2392 , 2008,
The investigations reported in this volume are enjoying precision and credibility and can be used as good models for novice researchers. Bamberg, De Fina and Schiffrin should be credited for their careful selection of articles and the rich variety of themes introduced in this compilation. In fact, the present collection, in a way, corroborates the feasibility of co-existence, even cross-fertilization of diverse methodological frameworks in narrative analysis.
- Esmat Babaii, University for Teacher Education, Tehran, in Discourse Studies 20(3), 2009,