"Miguel Basáñez has married his personal confrontations with cultural diversity with objective evidence to craft an original scheme of categories for societies that will provoke experts and those interested in the importance of a society's values to reflect on their current understanding. Every reader concerned with the inequalities among the world's nations will profit from this synthesis of fact and speculation."
-Jerome Kagan, Professor of Psychology, Emeritus, Harvard University
"By making exceptional use of Inglehart's World Values Survey, Basáñez has very skillfully reasoned the impact of values on development. The three cultures he outlines - honor, achievement and joy - represent Atlantic culture, East Asian culture and Latin American culture. The book shows persuasively that the three cultures bloom each in their own way, vindicating the claim that the world experiences multiple modernities. Its beauty also lies in
how well Basáñez exemplifies the three cultures!"
-Takashi Inoguchi, Professor Emeritus, University of Tokyo
"In this very readable book Miguel Basa?ez presents a cross-cultural world view influenced by the data analysis and interpretation of the three founding fathers of the discipline: a European management researcher, an American sociologist, and an Israeli psychologist, but this he does from his own Latin-American point of view. Compared to us he is quite original in adding to his two main axes of Power and Achievement a third axis of Joy. It is a joy to read his
-Geert Hofstede, author of Culture's Consequences
"A World of Three Cultures is a book to be recommended in a time of cultural wars, because it helps the reader to give meaning to such conflicts through the use of statistical data and to give hope to global public opinion in a possible convergence scenario."
-Matteo B. Marini, Professor of Development Economics, Università della Calabria