This monograph is an excellent alternative to more orthodox cliometric approaches to the 1873 crisis. Highly recommended.
Exhaustively researched and well-written book.
- Max Harris, The Journal of Economic History
This book offers a fresh perspective on the panics of 1873 by focusing on the experience of the United States, Germany, and Austria from a comparative and transnational perspective.
- Hartmut Berghof, Journal of Modern History
Bringing economic history and cultural history into the same frame, Davies makes a compelling case for the wider significance of the panics of 1873 in the development of a global consciousness of finance.
- Peter Knight, University of Manchester,
This creative global history of the financial panics of 1873 is now surely the leading study of its subject. In tracing not only transnational capital flows, but also the meanings and interpretive frameworks employed to make sense of them, Davies has added a newfound sophistication and depth to the historical study of financial panics. This is global history and cultural history of economy practiced at its finest.
- Jonathan Levy, University of Chicago,
What sense do financial actors make of speculation? This is ultimately the key to understanding financial crises. Ten years after the collapse of Lehman Brothers, Hannah Catherine Davies’s penetrating study of the financial panics of 1873 offers much food for thought.
- Youssef Cassis, European University Institute,