Part 01: Perspectives
Chapter 1: Actually Existing Neoliberalism - Jamie Peck, Neil Brenner and Nik Theodore
Chapter 2: International Financial Institutions as Agents of Neoliberalism - Sarah Babb and Alexander Kentikelenis
Chapter 3: Neoliberalism in World Perspective: Southern Origins and Southern Dynamics - Nour Dados and Raewyn Connell
Chapter 4: Foucault and the Neoliberalism Controversy - Mitchell Dean
Chapter 5: Neoliberalism as a Class-Based Project - Neil Davidson
Chapter 6: Ideas and the Rise of Neoliberalism in Europe - Vivien A. Schmidt
Part 02: Sources
Chapter 7: Neoliberal Thought Collectives: Integrating Social Science and Intellectual History - Dieter Plehwe
Chapter 8: Planning the ‘Free’ Market: The Genesis and Rise of Chicago Neoliberalism - Robert Van Horn and Edward Nik-Khah
Chapter 9: Neoliberal Turn in the Discipline of Economics: Depoliticization Through Economization - Yahya M. Madra and Fikret Adaman
Chapter 10: Embedding Neoliberalism: The Theoretical Practices of Hayek and Friedman - João Rodrigues
Chapter 11: Neoliberalism: Rise, Decline and Future Prospects - John Quiggin
Chapter 12: Gary Becker: Neoliberalism’s Economic Imperialist - June Carbone
Chapter 13: The Neoliberal Origins of the Third Way: How Chicago, Virginia and Bloomington Shaped Clinton and Blair - Daniel Stedman Jones
Chapter 14: Contemporary Anglo-Saxon Neoliberalism is Not German Ordoliberalism - Brigitte Young
Part 03: Variations and Diffusions
Chapter 15: Foucault, Neoliberalism and Europe - Pierre Dardot and Christian Laval, Translated by Melinda Cooper
Chapter 16: The Rise and Fall (and Rise Again?) of Neoliberalism in Latin America - Peter Kingstone
Chapter 17: China and Neoliberalism: Moving Beyond the China is/is not Neoliberal Dichotomy - Isabella M. Weber
Chapter 18: Neoliberalism in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union - Gareth Dale and Adam Fabry
Chapter 19: Neoliberalisation of European Social Democracy: Transmissions and Dispositions - Magnus Ryner
Chapter 20: Neoliberalism and Supra-National Institutions - Nitsan Chorev
Part 04: The State
Chapter 21: The Neoliberal State: Power Against ‘Politics’ - William Davies
Chapter 22: Neoliberalism, Crime and Criminal Justice - Pat O’Malley
Chapter 23: CO2 as Neoliberal Fetish: The Love of Crisis and the Depoliticized Immuno-Biopolitics of Climate Change Governance - Erik Swyngedouw
Chapter 24: Neoliberalizing the Welfare State: Marketizing Social Policy/Disciplining Clients - Sanford F. Schram
Chapter 25: Religious Neoliberalism - Jason Hackworth
Chapter 26: Monetary Policy and Neoliberalism - Alfredo Saad-Filho
Chapter 27: Neoliberalism and Workfare: Schumpeterian or Ricardian? - Bob Jessop
Chapter 28: Progressive Politics Under Neoliberalism - David Coates
Chapter 29: Neoliberalism and Republicanism: Economic Rule of Law and Law as Concrete Order (Nomos) - Miguel Vatter
Chapter 30: Neoliberalism and Democracy: A Foucauldian Perspective on Public Choice Theory, Ordoliberalism, and the Concept of the Public Good - Mark Olssen
Part 05: Social and Economic Restructuring
Chapter 31: The Neoliberal Remaking of the Working Class - Kim Moody
Chapter 32: Governing the System: Risk, Finance and Neoliberal Reason - Martijn Konings
Chapter 33: Neoliberalism, Inequality, and Capital Accumulation - David M. Kotz
Chapter 34: Corporate Power and Neoliberalism - Joshua Barkan
Chapter 35: Disciplinary Neoliberalism, the Tyranny of Debt and the 1% - Tim Di Muzio
Chapter 36: Neoliberalism’s Gender Order - Lisa Adkins
Chapter 37: Neoliberalism and the Urban - Margit Mayer
Chapter 38: Austerity as Tragedy? From Neoliberal Governmentality to the Critique of Late Capitalist Control - Nicholas Kiersey
Chapter 39: Neoliberalism and Global Health - Aaron Shakow, Robert Yates and Salmaan Keshavjee
Part 06: Cultural Dimensions
Chapter 40: Neoliberalism and Media - Sean Phelan
Chapter 41: Neoliberalism and the University - Michael A. Peters and Petar Jandric´
Chapter 42: Neoliberalism, the Knowledge-Based Economy and the Entrepreneur as Metaphor - Tomas Marttila
Chapter 43: The Emotional Logic of Neoliberalism: Reflexivity and Instrumentality in Three Theoretical Traditions - Sam Binkley
Chapter 44: From Neoliberalizing Research to Researching Neoliberalism: STS, Rentiership and the Emergence of Commons 2.0 - Kean Birch, David Tyfield and Margaret Chiappetta
Part 07: Neoliberalism and Beyond
Chapter 45: Resistance to Neoliberalism Before and Since the Global Financial Crisis - Owen Worth
Chapter 46: No More Room in Hell: Neoliberalism as Living Dead - Simon Springer
Chapter 47: Neoliberalism and the Left: Before and After the Crisis - David J. Bailey
Chapter 48: Neoliberalism, Development and Resilience - Julian Reid
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