<i>‘The various contributions cover their specified topic with a clarity that reflects the care taken by the contributors and the efforts of the editor and the readers (often though not always contributors of other chapters) he organised to comment on initial drafts. This clarity, and the breadth of coverage of the measurement challenges that play such a central role in poverty research, underpin the value of this volume and should guarantee it a wide and appreciative readership.’</i>
- Brian Nolan, The Journal of Economic Inequality,
<i>‘Jacques Silber’s </i>Research Handbook on Measuring Poverty and Deprivation<i> is a monumental achievement. Its 67 chapters – plus introduction and epilogue – cover virtually every important topic in the contemporary measurement and economic analysis of poverty, with every single chapter written by leading experts in the field.’</i>
- Francisco H. G. Ferreira, London School of Economics, UK,
<i>This </i>Research Handbook on Measuring Poverty and Deprivation<i>, edited by Professor Jaques Silber, is unique in its structure and in the breadth and depth of topics covered. True to the old phrase, good things come in small packages, the Handbook presents bite sized chapters imparting the wisdom of over a hundred eminent researchers in this field. The Handbook is encyclopedic as it covers: uni- and multidimensional measures of poverty; poverty in specific domains including health, education, energy, housing and water; poverty among children, adults and the elderly; national, regional and global poverty; and, finally, interrelationships between poverty and economic insecurity, gender, mortality and inequality of opportunity. The Handbook also includes specialized statistical topics such as small area estimation; Bayesian approach; and standard errors associated with poverty measures. Researchers, analysts, policy makers and graduate students will find the treasure of information invaluable and the Handbook indispensable.</i>
- D.S. Prasada Rao, The University of Queensland, Australia,
<i>‘Jacques Silber’s Handbook constitutes a veritable intellectual treat to all those interested in poverty measurement.'</i>
- From the epilogue by Nora Lustig, Tulane University, US,
<i>‘This is an impressive volume in its broad coverage of poverty analysis from different perspectives. It should be useful for all who are working in this area and practitioners interested in the practical applications of theoretical models of poverty analysis, particularly, for policy purposes.'</i>
- Satya R. Chakravarty, Indian Statistical Institute, and Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, India,
<i>‘Jacques Silber deserves much credit for assembling a comprehensive and informative collection of papers on measuring poverty and extreme inequality by a first-rate and diverse collection of authors ... It will long influence the evolution of the field.’</i>
- from the foreword by James J. Heckman, University of Chicago, US,