A fine call to action in the face of uncertainty. -- Financial Times The world the authors describe may be unsettling, but it is a world that we would all recognize and will likely live to see. -- Wall Street Journal This badly needed and well-researched book makes a convincing and inspiring case that the challenges ahead could be a catalyst to help us achieve far more of our potential and, in the process, become much more human. It is a powerful call to action and provides a roadmap that we ignore at our peril. It's not enough to read this book; we need to act on it, now! -- John Hagel, Chairman of the Deloitte Center for the Edge The winners in the analytics revolution won't simply replace human decision-making, they will augment it. The essential guide to this management revolution is Davenport and Kirby's remarkable new book. -- Erik Brynjolfsson, Professor at MIT and co-author of The Second Machine Age Individual knowledge workers, corporate executives, and government leaders all need to read this book. Smart machines are going to change our work and our lives, and the sooner we begin to augment their capabilities, the more successful our economy will be. Davenport and Kirby are correct: people will augment these tools, rather than be automated by them. The sooner you learn about augmentation, the more successful you'll be in the labor markets of the future. -- Manoj Saxena, Former General Manager, IBM Watson