India's recent economic performance has attracted world attention but the country is re-awakening not just as an economy but as a civilization. After a thousand years of the decline, it now has a genuine opportunity to re-establish itself as a major global power.In “The Indian Renaissance”, the author, Sanjeev Sanyal, looks at the processes that led to ten centuries of fossilization and then at the powerful economic and social forces that are now working together to transform India beyond recognition. These range from demographic shifts to rising literacy levels, but the most important revolution has been the opening of mind and the changed attitude towards innovation and risk.This book is about how India found itself at this historic juncture, the obstacles that it still needs to negotiate and the future that it may enjoy. The author tells the story from the perspective of the new generation of Indians who have emerged from this great period of change.Published and distributed worldwide by World Scientific Publishing Co. except India, UK and North America
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India's economic performance has been attracting world attention, but the phenomenon needs to be appreciated in the larger context of its long history. This book showcases India's journey towards the historic juncture, its challenges ahead and its prospects for a better tomorrow.
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Waiting for a Thousand Years; From Independence to Freedom; The Entrepreneurial Explosion; The Great Indian Middle-Class (and Its Limitations); Poverty, Inequality and the Last Bastion of Control; Two Revolutions; The Importance of Institutional Reform; How India will Change; Is India's Rise Inevitable?
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