"The Evidence and Impact of Financial Globalization is a collection of essays written by major specialists in each specific field of globalization, ranging from aid, foreign investment and migration to exchange rates, international government debt and financial crisis. Its 50 chapters investigate the various aspects of globalization, their determinants and impact both in abstract terms and with reference to specific countries and regions. It is an essential companion for those that want to up-date and improve their knowledge of the impressive significance acquired by financial globalization in the last two or three decades." --Nicola Acocella, Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" "The Handbook of Safeguarding Global Financial Stability provides an essential resource for an integrated perspective on financial stability, incorporating advanced analysis that surpasses immediate reactions to the Global Financial Crisis. The views of key policymakers and accomplished scholars are brought together to illuminate financial stability from the perspective of the political economy, economic models, and regulatory functions."--Heidi Mandanis Schooner, The Catholic University of America "In times of turmoil, people seek understanding and composure by looking to the past for guidance. The Handbook of Key Global Financial Markets, Institutions, and Infrastructure provides an excellent reference in our troubled financial times for investors, analysts, and policy makers. As the first comprehensive attempt to document the world’s monetary past, the volume makes a terrific supplement for courses in financial history."--Richard Steckel, The Ohio State University