<i>'This is an unusually rich volume, which, in seventeen chapters written by international experts, considers in varied and original ways aspects of the economics of digital markets. . . Gary Madden and Russel Cooper have assembled an impressive array of scholars whose work covers the spectrum ranging from platform competition over market evolution and demand analysis to communication network policy. The book offers a wealth of information and theoretical thinking about key economic aspects of the evolution of information and communication technologies (ICT). . . This book is a valuable resource for those readers which are already deeply involved with digital markets and communication network policy and for those looking for an introduction to cutting edge issues in key economic aspects of the ICT evolution. In other words, the book is setting the stage for a new agenda in economics and providing an outline for solving problems in emerging digital markets.'</i>
- Bert Sadowski, Telecommunications Policy,
'The Economics of Digital Markets<i> makes a valuable contribution to the understanding of the microeconomic structure and the regulatory framework of a specific type of e-market - that of digital goods and information services. The editors have put together a well selected and organised collection of interesting papers and give an excellent overview in the introduction. . . the book is a pioneering work and we expect to see its theories and views taken up for further analytical and empirical work.'</i>
- Geomina Turlea, Communications and Strategies,