The book draws new insights from domestic and global expertise and experience. I have no doubt that this book, when published, will be a landmark in the literature on policy-making in India since it addresses a somewhat neglected area of study, research and appreciation in India, namely institutional economics. I strongly recommend publication.
This is bound to be a good book. I recommend it. I hope the [Introduction] will not only 'pull together the various chapters of the book' but also present (and argue) the role of the economic theorists in policymaking.
The work seems to be significant contribution to the scholarship field in general and the literary style is excellent. The manuscript is highly specialized. Some of the select areas are covered in the light of both developed and developing economies. The Oxford University Press may decide to publish the manuscript.
This is an interesting collection of 18 essays. The common thread of all the essays is the feature that all these emerged from active economic policy making. All the essays are of uniformly top-notch quality and are, as expected, well-constructed and carefully argued.