"Stiegler's title is bold, but make no mistake: this book really is about what makes life worth living. We can neglect this dimension – disastrously – or we can act to sustain it. A survival manual for the twenty-first century, this is also contemporary philosophy as a call to arms."<br /> <b>Martin Crowley, University of Cambridge</b> <br /> <br /> "This work, an excellent primer on the latest phase of Stiegler’s project and an excellent introduction to his writing, attempts to turn a thinking of the pharmakon from its resonance as poison to that of a cure to the pan-toxicity he finds in the robo-interiorities of the present and their link to eco-catastrophic outcomes. What this book also displays is that Stiegler has long been the most productive critical reader of Derrida's legacy today – and this at a time when anything like official 'deconstruction' gasps for relevance.’"<br /> <b>Tom Cohen, State University of New York at Albany</b>