"This is a fascinating look at the way other people unconsciously determine our everyday behaviour and is a useful addition to the many works on how human psychology affects economic decision making."
Money Week
"Frank's points . . . raise some big questions. Which reminds us that economics cannot be a merely technocratic discipline."<b>---Chris Dillow, <i>Stumbling & Mumbling</i></b>
"This broadly themed book addresses the complexities of our social environments — for example, how group behavior gives rise to bullying — but a lot of what it discusses applies to worldwide environmental issues, too. The result is a combination of psychology and economics that illustrates how the human ‘herd instinct’ can be put to good use to solve the climate crisis and other problems."<b>---John R. Platt, <i>The Revelator</i></b>
"An invaluable new book. . . . If policy-makers have any sense, this book will be as important a manual in the 2020s as <i>Nudge</i> was in the 2010s."<b>---Felix Martin, <i>New Statesman</i></b>
"This erudite, provocative book is apt for reading now."<b>---Julia Hobsbawm, <i>Evening Standard</i></b>
"Extraordinarily timely: It’s an effort to show that the economics of social contagion could reshape the world, solving our hardest problems — from climate change to income inequality — and offering new ways to think about the power we have as individuals. Absent the pandemic, its argument might’ve seemed abstract, optimistic. But now we’ve seen it happen. We are watching a version of Frank’s thesis play out right now, in real time. In the wake of coronavirus, social pressure has driven perhaps the single fastest behavioral transformation in human history. It is the example and pressure we face from each other that has made social distancing so effective, so fast. And if social pressure can do that — what else can it do?"<b>---Ezra Klein, <i>Vox</i></b>
"Throughout his career, in influential books . . . Frank has examined the importance of status-seeking and social interactions in society and the economy. Continuing with that theme, <i>Under the Influence</i> argues that social context shapes choices far more than many people realize. . . . As usual, Frank’s book is full of information and insights that will interest even those who do not agree with his policy agenda."<b>---R. M. Whaples, <i>Choice</i></b>