Getting Out offers new insight into how women victimized in abusive relationships can successfully exit these tumultuous environments. Goetting presents qualitative data derived from interviews with several women who survived abusive relationships. As one reads these stories, there is no doubt that the author remains true to the integrity of these women's lives. She presents their highs and lows, their tragedies and victories, with attention to detail and a feminist lens through which to understand the context of each woman's experience...Goetting showcases the women's stories in a purposeful manner...Perhaps the most practical feature of this book is the ease with which it can be read. As with most qualitative research, the product feels like a novel based in truth. Students would most likely respond favorably to such a required reading. I would recommend this book as an addition to a monograph reading list for an upper-level course that focuses on violence in families and intimate relationships. Goetting has done a great service to the discipline by providing a window into these women's lives through which we can all learn a great deal.