This new Major Work, in five volumes, captures the key conceptual issues and findings in research covering social development in early childhood, through to adolescence. Childhood social development is an enormous field of research addressing issues to do with emotional development, peer relations, self-esteem and bullying amongst other topics, and through the inclusion of both contemporary and classic papers, these volumes skilfully outline the development of the area, our current conceptions, and growing points and controversies.  Volume One: Social development within the family Volume Two: Peer relations – friendship and play Volume Three: Peer relations – dominance, aggression and bullying Volume Four: Emotional intelligence and moral development Volume Five: Cultural differences and theoretical perspectives
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Childhood social development is an enormous field of research addressing issues to do with emotional development, peer relations, self-esteem and bullying amongst other topics, and through the inclusion of both contemporary and classic papers, these volumes outline the development of the area, our current conceptions, and growing points and controversies.
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VOLUME ONE: SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT WITHIN THE FAMILY Part One: Attachment beyond Infancy Categories of Response to Reunion with the Parent at Age 6: Predictable from Infant Attachment Classifications and Stable over a 1-Month Period - Mary Main and Jude Cassidy Parent-Child Attachment and Monitoring in Middle Childhood - K. Kerns et al. Part Two: Parenting Styles Child Care Practices Anteceding Three Patterns of Preschool Behavior - Diana Baumrind A Reinterpretation of the Direction of Effects in Studies of Socialization - Richard Bell The Determinants of Parenting: A Process Model - Jay Belsky Part Three: Disciplinary Practices and Child Abuse Patterns of Marital Conflict Predict Children’s Internalising and Externalising Behaviors - Lynn Fainsilber Katz and John Gottman Evaluating the Success of Sweden’s Corporal Punishment Ban - Joan Durrant Child Outcomes of Nonabusive and Customary Physical Punishment by Parents: An Updated Literature Review - Robert Larzalere Maternal Warmth Moderates the Link between Physical Punishment and Child Externalizing Problems: A Parent-Offspring Behavior Genetic Analysis - Kirby Deater-Deckard, Linda Ivy and Stephen Petrill Part Four: Different Family Types, Step-Parents, Divorce, Grandparents Coping with Family Transitions: Winners, Losers, and Survivors - E. Mavis Hetherington The Impact of Grandparents on Children’s Outcomes in China - Toni Falbo Annotation: On the Grandmothers′ Role in the Adjustment and Maladjustment of Grandchildren - Catherine Lavers and Edmund Sonuga-Barke Part Five: Sibling Relationships, Only Children Sibling Relationships in Childhood: Links with Friendship and Peer Relationships - Clare Stocker and Judy Dunn Only Children and Sibling Children in Urban China: A Re-examination - Xinyin Chen, Kenneth Rubin and Bo-shu Li VOLUME TWO: PEER RELATIONS – FRIENDSHIP, IDENTITY, SOCIAL GROUPS AND PLAY Part One: Friendship Social Participation among Preschool Children - M. Parten Measuring Friendship Quality during Pre- and Early Adolescence: The Development and Psychometric Properties of the Friendship Qualities Scale - William Bukowski, Betsy Hoza and Michel Boivin Part Two: Sociometric Tradition Dimensions and Types of Social Status: A Cross-Age Perspective - John Coie, Kenneth Dodge and Heide Coppotelli Social Information Processing Mechanisms in Reactive and Proactive Aggression - Nicki Crick and Kenneth Dodge Sociometric Popularity and Peer-Perceived Popularity: Two Distinct Dimensions of Peer Status - Jennifer Parkhurst and Andrea Hopmeyer Preadolescent Friendship and Peer Rejection as Predictors of Adult Adjustment - Catherine Bagwell, Andrew Newcomb and William Bukowski Part Three: Group Identity Social and Cognitive Bases of Ethnic Identity - Frances Aboud Children′s Use of Gender-related Information in Making Social Judgments - Carol Lynn Martin "God Made Me a Girl": Gender Constancy Judgments and Explanations Revisited - Joel Szkrybalo and Diane Ruble Part Four: Gender Differences Age and Gender Differences in Children′s Self- and Task Perceptions during Elementary School - Jacquelynne Eccles, Allan Wigfield, Rena Harold and Phyllis Blumenfeld A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Sex Differences in the Behavior of Children Aged Three Through 11 - Beatrice Whiting and Carolyn Pope Edwards Changes in Children′s Self-Competence and Values: Gender and Domain Differences across Grades One through Twelve - Janis Jacobs et al. Part Five: Social Play Elementary School Children’s Rough-and-Tumble Play and Social Competence - A.D. Pellegrini War Toys and Childhood Aggression - B. Sutton-Smith Constructing Understandings through Play in the Early Years - Sue Dockett VOLUME THREE: PEER RELATIONS – DOMINANCE, AGGRESSION, PREJUDICE AND SOCIAL EXCLUSION AND BULLYING Part One: Dominance/Status Dominance Hierarchies in Young Children - Murray Edelman and Donald Omark Dominance, Attention, and Affiliation in a Preschool Group: A Nine-Month Longitudinal Study - Peter LaFreniere and William Charlesworth Part Two: Aggression Aggressive Behavior of Nursery School Children and Adult Procedures in Dealing with Such Behavior - M. Appel A Developmental Perspective on Antisocial Behavior - Gerald Patterson, Barbara DeBaryshe and Elizabeth Ramsey Do Girls Manipulate and Boys Fight? Developmental Trends in Regard to Direct and Indirect Aggression - Kaj Bjorkqvist, Kirsti Lagerspetz and Ari Kaukainen Relational Aggression, Gender, and Social-Psychological Adjustment - Nicki Crick and Jennifer Grotpeter The Joint Development of Physical and Indirect Aggression: Predictors of Continuity and Change During Childhood - Sylvana Côté et al. Part Three: Prejudice, Intergroup Attitudes and Social Exclusion The Development in Children of the Idea of the Homeland and of Relations with Other Countries - J. Piaget and A. Weil A Longitudinal Study of White Children′s Racial Prejudice as a Social-Cognitive Development - A. Doyle and F. Aboud Children′s Social Reasoning about Inclusion and Exclusion in Gender and Race Peer Group Contexts - Melanie Killen and Charles Stangor Social Norms and Self-Presentation: Children′s Implicit and Explicit Intergroup Attitudes - Adam Rutland, Lindsey Cameron, Alan Milne and Peter McGeorge Part Four: Bullying Bullying as a Group Process: Participant Roles and Their Relations to Social Status within the Group - Christina Salmivalli et al. Bullying and Theory of Mind: A Critique of the ‘Social Skills Deficit’ View of Anti-Social Behaviour - Jon Sutton, Peter Smith and John Swettenham The Power of Friendship: Protection against an Escalating Cycle of Peer Victimisation - Ernest Hodges, Michael Boivin, Frank Vitaro and William Bukowski Prevalence Estimation of School Bullying with the Olweus Bully/Victim Questionnaire - Mona Solberg and Dan Olweus VOLUME FOUR: DEVELOPMENT OF MORALITY, PRO-SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR AND EMOTION Part One: Prosocial Behaviour Children’s Differentiations among Potential Recipients of Aid - Nancy Eisenberg A Cross-National Study on the Relations among Prosocial Moral Reasoning, Gender Role Orientations, and Prosocial Behaviors - Gustavo Carlo et al. Part Two: Empathy and Emotion Developmental Synthesis of Affect and Cognition and Its Implications for Altruistic Motivation - Martin Hoffman Psychophysiological Correlates of Empathy and Prosocial Behaviors in Preschool Children with Behavior Problems - Carolyn Zahn-Waxler et al. The Development of Concern for Others in Children with Behavior Problems - Paul Hastings et al. Part Three: Moral Development Social Interactions and the Development of Social Concepts in Preschool Children - Larry Nucci and Elliot Turiel Preschool Children’s Conceptions of Moral and Social Rules - Judith Smetana Cross-Cultural Universality of Social-Moral Development: A Critical Review of Kohlbergian Research - J. Snarey ‘Any Animal Whatever’: Darwinian Building Blocks of Morality in Monkeys and Apes - Jessica Flack and Frans de Waal Moral Stage Theory - Daniel Lapsley The Development of Children′s Orientations toward Moral, Social, and Personal Orders: More than a Sequence in Development - Elliot Turiel Part Four: Moral Reasoning and Rights Children′s Concepts of Their Rights - Gary Melton The Relation between Law and Morality: Children’s Reasoning about Socially Beneficial and Unjust Laws - Charles Helwig and Urszula Jasiobedzka VOLUME FIVE: CULTURAL DIFFERENCES AND THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVES Part One: Biological Perspectives Social Rehabilitation of Isolate-Reared Monkeys - Stephen Suomi and Hary Harlow Child Development and Evolutionary Psychology - David Bjorklund and Anthony Pellegrini Why Are Children in the Same Family So Different? Nonshared Environment a Decade Later - Robert Plomin, Kathryn Asbury and Judith Dunn Evidence That the Cycle of Violence in Maltreated Children Depends on Genotype - Avshalom Caspi et al. Humans Have Specialized Skills of Social Cognition: The Cultural Intelligence Hypothesis - Esther Herrmann et al. Part Two: Socio-Cultural Perspectives Relations of Child Training to Subsistence Economy - Herbert Barry, Irvin Child and Margaret Bacon Little Angels, Little Devils: A Sociology of Children - Anthony Synnott The Developmental Niche: A Conceptualization at the Interface of Child and Culture - Charles Super and Sara Harkness Children′s Daily Activities in a Mayan Village: A Culturally Grounded Description - Suzanne Gaskins Cultural-Historical Activity Theory in the Family of Social-Cultural Approaches - Michael Cole Part Three: Theoretical Views/Debates The Nature and Uses of Immaturity - Jerome Bruner Where Is the Child′s Environment? A Group Socialization Theory of Development - Judith Harris
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Peter Smith is Emeritus Professor of Psychology at Goldsmiths, University of London, U.K. His publications include Bullying in Schools: How Successful can Interventions be? (Cambridge UP, 2004), the Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Childhood Social Development, 2nd ed. (Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011) and Bullying in the Global Village: Research on Cyberbullying from an International Perspective (Wiley-Blackwell, 2012). He was Chair of COST Action IS0801 on Cyberbullying (2008-2012), and is PI of Bullying, Cyberbullying, and Pupil Safety and Wellbeing, financed by the Indian-European Research Networking in the Social Sciences initiative (2012-2015).