Aphasia—from the Greek aphatos (‘speechless’)—describes impairments and disabilities in the use of language arising from, for example, strokes, trauma, tumours, surgery, or progressive brain deterioration. It includes problems with the expression and comprehension of language in speech, reading, writing, and signing.Research in and around aphasia continues to flourish such that, even for specialist aphasiologists, it is extremely hard to keep up to date with developments. There is a real threat of laboratory-based human research, neuropsychology, computational-modelling research, and brain-imaging studies proceeding in ignorance of each other. Indeed, the sheer scale of the growth in cognitive neuroscience makes this collection especially timely and welcome; it permits ready access to the most influential and important works across the full breadth of the discipline.The materials gathered in Volume I include explorations of the foundations of aphasiology. The major works collected in the second volume examine theoretical developments, while Volume III is organized around contemporary issues in aphasiology. The final volume makes sense of clinical issues, such as recovery, assessment, and rehabilitation.With a full index, together with a comprehensive introduction, newly written by the editor, which places the collected material in its historical and intellectual context, Aphasia is an essential work of reference. For researchers and advanced students, it is a vital one-stop research and instructional resource.
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Volume I. Historical FoundationsIntroduction to Historical Foundations1. R. Prins and R. Bastiaanse ‘The Early History of Aphasiology: From The Egyptian Surgeons (C. 1700 Bc) To Broca’ Aphasiology, 20, 8, 2006, 762-7912. ‘Letter from Dr. F. J. Gall, to Joseph Freiherr von Retzer, upon the Functions of the Brain, in Man and Animals’ in D. G. Goyder (trans.) My Battle for Life: The Autobiography of a Phrenologist (London, 1857) 3. C. Luzzatti and H. Whitaker ‘Jean-Baptiste Bouillaud, Claude-François Lallemand, and The Role Of The Frontal Lobe: Location And Mislocation Of Language In The Early 19th Century’ Archives Neurology, 58, 2001, 1157-1162.4. P. Broca ‘Loss of Speech, Chronic Softening and Partial Destruction of the Anterior Left Lobe of the Brain’, first published in Bulletins de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris, 2, 1861, 235-238, translated by Christopher Green for Classics in the History of Psychology internet resource5. P. Broca ‘Remarks on the Seat of the Faculty of Articulated Language, Following an Observation of Aphemia (Loss of Speech)’, first published in Bulletin de la Société Anatomique, 6, 1861, 330-357, translated by Christopher Green for Classics in the History of Psychology internet resource6. E. Berker, A. Berker and A. Smith ‘Translation of Broca's 1865 Report’ Archives of Neurology, 43, 1986, 1065-1072. 7. N. Geschwind ‘Wernicke's Contribution to the Study of Aphasia’ Cortex, 3, 1967, 449-463.8. G. Blanken, J. Dittmann and H. Sinn ‘Old Solutions to New Problems: A Contribution to Today's Relevance of Carl Wernicke's Theory of Aphasia’ Aphasiology, 8, 3, 1994, 207-221.9. L. Lichtheim ‘On Aphasia’ Brain, 7, 1885, 433-485. 10. Roger E. Graves ‘The Legacy of the Wernicke-Lichtheim Model’ Journal of the History of Neurosciences, 6, 1, 1997, 3-20.11. R. De Bleser ‘From Agrammatism to Paragrammatism: German Aphasiological Traditions and Grammatical Disturbances’ Cognitive Neuropsychology, 4, 2, 1987, 187-256. 12. J. Hughlings-Jackson ‘On Affections of Speech from Disease of the Brain’ Brain, 1878, 203-222.13. Paul Eling ‘The Psycholinguistic Approach to Aphasia of Chajim Steinthal’ Aphasiology 20, 9, 2006, 1072-1084.Volume II. Theoretical DevelopmentsIntroduction to Theoretical Developments14. Malcolm R. McNeil and Sheila R. Pratt ‘Defining Aphasia: Some Theoretical And Clinical Implications Of Operating From A Formal Definition’ Aphasiology, 15, 10-11, 2001, 901-911. 15. Yves Joanette and Ana Ines Ansaldo ‘The Ineluctable and Interdependent Evolution of the Concepts of Language and Aphasia’ Brain and Language, 71, 2000, 106–10916. A. Kreindler, Lucretia Mihailescu and A. Fradis ‘Speech Fluency in Aphasics’ Brain and Language 9, 1980, 199-205.17. Hildred Schuell and James J. Jenkins ‘The Nature of Language Deficit in Aphasia’ Psychological Review, 66, 1, 1959, 45-67. 18. A. R. Luria ‘Factors and Forms of Aphasia’, in A. V. S. de Reuck and Maeve O'Connor (eds.), Ciba Foundation Symposium on Disorders of Language (J. and A. Churchill Ltd, 1964)19. Rita Sloan Berndt and Alfonso Caramazza ‘A Redefinition of the Syndrome Of Broca's Aphasia: Implications For A Neuropsychological Model Of Language’ Applied Psycholinguistics, 1, 1980, 225-278. 20. M. Kinsbourne and Elizabeth K. Warrington ‘Jargon Aphasia’ Neuropsychologia, 1, 1963, 27-37.21. Hugh W. Buckingham ‘Phonemic Paraphasias and Psycholinguistic Production Models for Neologistic Jargon’ Aphasiology, 1, 5, 1987, 381-400.22. Jane Marshall ‘Jargon Aphasia: What Have We Learned?’ Aphasiology, 20, 5, 2006, 387-410.23. Wolfram Ziegler, Ingrid Aichert and Anja Staiger ‘Apraxia of Speech: Concepts and Controversies’ Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 55, 2012, S1485–S1501.24. Kirrie J. Ballard, Lamiae Azizi, Joseph R. Duffy, Malcolm R. McNeil, Mark Halaki, Nicholas O’Dwyer, Claire Layfield, Dominique I. Scholl, Adam P. Vogel and Donald A. Robin ‘A Predictive Model For Diagnosing Stroke-Related Apraxia Of Speech’ Neuropsychologia, 81, 2016, 129–13925. Andrew Kertesz, Wilda Davidson, Patricia McCabe, Kenji Takagi and David Munoz ‘Primary Progressive Aphasia: Diagnosis, Varieties, Evolution’ Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 9, 2003, 710–719.26. John C. Marshall and Freda Newcombe ‘Patterns of Paralexia: A Psycholinguistic Approach’ Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 2, 3, 1973, 175-199. 27. Ria De Bleser and Claudio Luzzatti ‘Acquired Dyslexia and Dysgraphia’, in Peter Mariën and Jubin Abutalebi, (eds.), Neuropsychological Research: A Review (Psychology Press, 2008)28. Trevor A. Harley ‘Connectionist Approaches to Language Disorders’ Aphasiology, 7, 3, 1993, 221-249.29. Elizabeth K. Warrington and T. Shallice ‘Category Specific Semantic Impairments’ Brain, 107, 1984, 829-853.30. Jacqueline Stark ‘A Review of Classical Accounts of Verbal Perseveration and Their Modern-Day Relevance’ Aphasiology, 21, 10-11, 2007, 928-959.31. Leanne Togher, Skye McDonald and Chris Code ‘Social and Communication Disorders Following Traumatic Brain Injury’, in Skye McDonald, Leanne Togher and Chris Code (eds.), Social and Communication Disorders Following Traumatic Brain Injury, (Psychology Press, 2004)32. Andrew Kirk and Andrew Kertesz ‘Cortical and Subcortical Aphasias Compared’ Aphasiology, 8, 1, 1994, 65-82.Volume III. Contemporary IssuesIntroduction to Contemporary Issues 33. N. F. Dronkers, O. Plaisant, M. T. Iba-Zizen and E. A. Cabanis ‘Paul Broca’s Historic Cases: High Resolution MR Imaging of the Brains of Leborgne and Lelong’ Brain, 130, 2007, 1432-1441.34. Peter Hagoort ‘Broca’s Complex as the Unification Space for Language’, in A. Cutler, (ed.), Twenty-First Century Psycholinguistics: Four Cornerstones (Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2005) 35. Gerhard Blanken ‘The Functional Basis of Speech Automatisms (Recurring Utterances)’ Aphasiology, 5, 2, 1991, 103-127.36. Holly Robson, Karen Sage, Matthew A. Lambon Ralph ‘Wernicke’s Aphasia Reflects A Combination Of Acoustic-Phonological And Semantic Control Deficits: A Case-Series Comparison Of Wernicke’s Aphasia, Semantic Dementia And Semantic Aphasia’ Neuropsychologia, 50, 2012, 266–275.37. Antonio R. Damasio and Daniel Tranel ‘Nouns and Verbs are retrieved with Differently Distributed Neural Systems’ Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Neurobiology 90, 1993, 4957-4960. 38. Dorothee Kümmerer, Gesa Hartwigsen, Philipp Kellmeyer, Volkmar Glauche, Irina Mader, Stefan Klöppel, Julia Suchan, Hans-Otto Karnath, Cornelius Weiller and Dorothee Saur ‘Damage to Ventral and Dorsal Language Pathways in Acute Aphasia’ Brain, 2013, 136, 619–629.39. Kenneth M. Heilman ‘Information-Processing Models Of Aphasia: Updating The Diagram Makers’ in Peter Mariën and Jubin Abutalebi, (eds.), Neuropsychological Research: A Review (Psychology Press, 2008)40. J-L. Nespoulous, C. Code, J. Virbel and A-R. Lecours ‘Hypotheses On The Dissociation Between "Referential" And "Modalizing" Verbal Behaviour In Aphasia’ Applied Psycholinguistics, 19, 1998, 311-331. 41. Jack S. Damico, Nina Simmons-Mackie, Mary Oelschlaeger, Roberta Elman and Elizabeth Armstrong ‘Qualitative Methods in Aphasia Research: Basic Issues’ Aphasiology, 13, 9-11, 1999, 651-666.42. Malcolm McNeil, William Hula and Jee Eun Sung ‘The Role of Memory and Attention in Aphasic Language Performance’, in Jackie Guendouzi, Filip Loncke and Mandy J. Williams, (ed.), The Handbook of Psycholinguistic and Cognitive Processes (Psychology Press, 2011) 43. David Caplan, Jennifer Michaud and Rebecca Hufford ‘Short-Term Memory, Working Memory, and Syntactic Comprehension in Aphasia’, Cognitive Neuropsychology, 30, 2, 2013, 77-10944. Nadine Martin, Eleanor M. Saffran and Gary Dell ‘Recovery in Deep Dysphasia: Evidence for a Relation between Auditory-Verbal STM Capacity and Lexical Errors in Repetition’ Brain and Language, 52, 1996, 83–113.45. Stephen R. Welbourne, Anna M. Woollams, Jenni Crisp and Matthew A. Lambon Ralph ‘The role of plasticity-related functional reorganization in the explanation of central dyslexias’ Cognitive Neuropsychology, 28, 2, 2011, 65–10846. M-Marsel Mesulam ‘Primary Progressive Aphasia - A Language-Based Dementia’ The New England Journal of Medicine, 349, 2003, 1535-1542. 47. J.S. Snowden, P. J. Goulding and D. Neary ‘Semantic Dementia: A Form of Circumscribed Cerebral Atrophy’ Behavioural Neurology, 2, 1989, 167-182.48. Michał Harciarek & Andrew Kertesz ‘Primary Progressive Aphasias and Their Contribution to the Contemporary Knowledge about the Brain-Language Relationship. Neuropsychol Rev, 21, 2011, 271–287. 49. Joseph R. Duffy, Edythe A. Strand, Heather Clark, Mary Machulda, Jennifer L. Whitwell and Keith A. Josephs ‘Primary Progressive Apraxia Of Speech: Clinical Features And Acoustic And Neurologic Correlates’ American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 24, 2015, 88-100. 50. Gregory Hickok and Ursula Bellugi ‘Neural Organization of Language: Clues from Sign Language Aphasia’, in Jackie Guendouzi, Filip Loncke and Mandy J. Williams, (ed.), The Handbook of Psycholinguistic and Cognitive Processes (Psychology Press, 2011)Volume IV. Clinical Issues and ApplicationsIntroduction to Clinical Issues and Applications51. Alex P. Leff and David Howard ‘Has Speech and Language Therapy Been Shown Not To Work?’ Nat. Rev. Neurol. 8, 2012, 600-601.Recovery from Aphasia52. Chris Code ‘Multifactorial Processes in Recovery from Aphasia: Developing the Foundations for a Multileveled Framework’ Brain and Language, 77, 2001, 25-44.53. Hanane E.L. Hachioui, Hester F. Lingsma, Mieke W. M. E. van de Sandt-Koenderman, Diederik W. J. Dippel, Peter J. Koudstaal and Evy G. Visch-Brink ‘Long-Term Prognosis Of Aphasia After Stroke’ J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 84, 2013, 310–315. 54. Nicola Smania, Marialuisa Gandolfi, Salvatore Maria Aglioti, Paolo Girardi, Antonio Fiaschi and Flavia Girardi ‘How Long Is the Recovery of Global Aphasia? Twenty-Five Years of Follow-up in a Patient with Left Hemisphere Stroke’ Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 2010 Models and Perspectives on Clinical Research55. Janice Kay, Ruth Lesser and Max Coltheart ‘Psycholinguistic Assessments Of Language Processing In Aphasia (PALPA): An Introduction’ Aphasiology, 10, 2, 1996, 159-180.56. David Howard and Karalyn Patterson ‘Models For Therapy’, in X, Seron and G. Deloche, (eds.), Cognitive Approaches In Neuropsychological Rehabilitation (Lawrence Erlbaum, 1989)57. Randall R. Robey, Martin C. Schultz, Amy B. Crawford and Cheryl A. Sinner ‘Single-Subject Clinical-Outcome Research: Designs, Data, Effect Sizes, and Analyses’ Aphasiology, 13, 6, 1999, 445–473.58. David Howard ‘Single Case, Group Studies and Case Series in Aphasia Therapy’, in I. Papathanasiou, I. and R. De Bleser, R. (eds.), The Sciences of Aphasia: From Therapy to Theory. (Pergamon Press, 2003) 59. Nadine Martin, Matti Laine and Trevor A. Harley ‘How Can Connectionist Cognitive Models Of Language Inform Models Of Language Rehabilitation?’, in Argye E, Hillis, (ed.), The Handbook Of Adult Language Disorders, 2nd Edition (Psychology Press, 2015)60. Marcelo L. Berthier and Friedemann Pulvermüller ‘Neuroscience Insights Improve Neurorehabilitation Of Poststroke Aphasia’ Nature Reviews Neurology, 2011, 1-1261. Ian H. Robertson and Jaap M. J. 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Marcus Meinzer, Daniela Djundja, Gabriela Barthel, Thomas Elbert and Brigitte Rockstroh ‘Long-Term Stability of Improved Language Functions in Chronic Aphasia After Constraint-Induced Aphasia Therapy’ Stroke, 36, 2005, 1462-1466.67. Anastasia M. Raymer ‘Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment of Naming Disorders’, in Argye E, Hillis, ed., the Handbook of Adult Language Disorders, 2nd Edition (Psychology Press, 2015)68. David Howard, Julie Hickin, Teresa Redmond, Philippa Clark and Wendy Best ‘Re-Visiting "Semantic Facilitation" Of Word Retrieval for People with Aphasia: Facilitation Yes But Semantic No’ Cortex, 2016, 1-1769. Mary Boyle and Carl A. Coelho ‘Application of Semantic Feature Analysis as a Treatment for Dysnomia’ American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 4, 1995, 135-138.70. Martin L. Albert, Robert W. Sparks and Nancy A. Helm ‘Melodic Intonation Therapy For Aphasia’ Archives of Neurology, 29, 1973, 130-131.71. Ineke van der Meulen, Mieke E. van de Sandt-Koenderman, Gerard M. Ribbers ‘Melodic Intonation Therapy: Present Controversies and Future Opportunities’ Arch Phys Med Rehabil, 93, 1, 2012, 46-52.72. Myrna F. Schwartz, Eleanor M. Saffran, Ruth B. Fink, Jessica L. Myers and Nadine Martin ‘Mapping Therapy: A Treatment Programme for Agrammatism’ Aphasiology, 8, 1994, 19-54.73. Claudio Luzzatti, Camillo Colombo, Mirella Frustaci and Francesca Vitolo ‘Rehabilitation Of Spelling Along The Sub-Word-Level Routine’ Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 10, 2000, 249-278.74. W. Mieke E. Van De Sandt-Koenderman ‘Aphasia Rehabilitation and the Role of Computer Technology: Can We Keep Up With Modern Times?’ International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 13, 1, 2011, 21–27.75. Steven L. Small, and Daniel A. Llano ‘Biological Approaches to Aphasia Treatment’ Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports, 9, 2009, 443–450.76. Suzanne Beeke, Jane Maxim and Ray Wilkinson ‘Using Conversation Analysis to Assess and Treat People with Aphasia’ Seminars in Speech and Language, 28, 2007, 136–147.77. Kevin P. Kearns ‘Functional Outcome: Methodological Considerations’ Clinical Aphasiology, 21, 1992, 67-72.78. Aura Kagan ‘Supported Conversation for Adults with Aphasia: Methods and Resources for Training Conversation Partners’ Aphasiology, 12, 9, 1998, 816-830.79. Lucette Lanyon, Miranda Rose, Linda Worrall ‘The efficacy of outpatient and community-based aphasia group interventions: A systematic review’ International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 15, 2013, 359–374.Quality of Life and Psychosocial Implications 80. Jonathan M.C. Lam and Walter P. Wodchis ‘The Relationship of 60 Disease Diagnoses and 15 Conditions to Preference-Based Health-Related Quality Of Life in Ontario Hospital-Based Long-Term Care Residents’ Medical Care, 48, 2010, 380-387.81. Guylaine LeDorze and Christine Brassard ‘A Description Of The Consequences Of Aphasia On Aphasic Persons And Their Relatives And Friends, Based On The WHO Model Of Chronic Diseases’ Aphasiology, 9, 3, 1995, 239-255. 82. Susie Parr ‘Living With Severe Aphasia: Tracking Social Exclusion’ Aphasiology, 21, 1, 2007, 98-123.83. Manfred Herrmann, Claudius Bartels and Claus-W. Wallesch ‘Depression in Acute and Chronic Aphasia - Symptoms, Pathoanatomo-Clinical Correlations, and Functional Implications’ Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 56, 1993, 672-678.84. Chris Code, Gayle Hemsley and Manfred Herrmann ‘The Emotional Impact of Aphasia’ Seminars in Speech and Language, 20, 1999, 19-31.
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Chris Code is Professorial Research Fellow in Psychology, College of Life and Environmental Sciences, Washington Singer Labs, University of Exeter, UK. His research interests include the neuropsychology of language and speech, psychosocial consequences of aphasia, aphasia and the evolution of language and speech, recovery and treatment of aphasia, the public awareness of aphasia, the history of aphasia, number processing and apraxia.