"What Makes a Good School? was a highly regarded book... This book is the follow-up bringing the thinking right up to date... adding many new ideas from their [the authors] extensive work on school improvement over the last 15 years, set in the context of the many changes and new agendas that are a feature of schools today" Education Today, September 2008
"Mr Brighouse and Mr Woods use case studies from a range of schools to illustrate their advice, acknowledging the fact that every school is unique and faces different challenges. The authors also introduce the concept of "butterflies" - small interventions that they feel can have a disproportionately large and beneficial impact on a school' success. These cover a range of topics including seating plans, student supervisors, sending birthday cards to year 7 students, and improving communication between staff and governors. The potential impact of these steps is clearly described for each of the suggestions offered" SecEd