Mr. Moore’s experiences, perspectives and understanding of school safety is a valuable resource for any school leader when developing school safety plans. School principals are responsible for the safety of all students and staff on complex campuses and in a variety of potential circumstances. There is no curriculum in the teacher preparation or school leadership programs to prepare educators for safety planning or leading in an emergency. I was fortunate enough to start my leadership career in a district where school safety was a priority and Mr. Moore was a dedicated resource committed to partner with and support school leaders. Mr. Moore has an appreciation for the demands of the principalship as demonstrated by design of his book to include realistic scenarios and the format of a “quick reference guide” for future use.
- Lisa P. Ueltzhoffer, Charter Principal, Newark, DE,
What an awesome handbook, allowing school personnel to scrutinize their safety practices! I recommend this work highly to all building administrators!
- Sam Golder, Career School and District Administrator, Wilmington, DE,
As a Superintendent I think this book is required reading for all new and seasoned school leaders. While it is important that we do a great job of educating kids, it is more important that we are serious about being responsible for their safety and well-being when in our care. This was an eye opening book and will help any school principal prepare for their greatest responsibility, keeping kids safe in their school!
- Merv Daugherty, Superintendent, Wilmington, DE; 2016 Superintendent of the Year,