This book shows how postphenomenology can significantly contribute to understanding and engaging with many of the technologies shaping our contemporary society, i.e. robotics, self-tracking technologies and educational tools. Combining case studies with thorough methodological reflections, the authors seek to make their postphenomenological research transparent and valuable to other scholars wanting inspiration and hands-on insight on how to do postphenomenological research. The book will be helpful in extending the already strong research community of postphenomenology.
- Søren Riis, Roskilde University,
This anthology offers a compelling review and critical assessment of the current state of play in postphenomenological methodology. This book is a must for anyone interested in human-technology relations.
- Lambros Malafouris, Keble College, University of Oxford,
The most engaging texts present readers with the opportunity to learn and be inspired. This offering does just that. The edited volume connects with a wide range of scholars and disciplines to lay out a methodology and framework that invites participation in empirical postphenomenological research. Several clearly defined sections address a variety of technologies. Diverse and multidisciplinary ideas bring value and force to conversations around techno-human relations. This is a significant and well-written contribution to an ever-growing collection of literature on postphenomenology.
- Stacey Irwin, Millersville University,