Mark Anderson has a well-deserved reputation for his knowledge and enthusiasm for ICT in schools. He has a superb understanding of how ICT can enhance and even transform learning; it's not about innovation for the sake of it or lotsof flashy gimmicks. Perfect ICT Every Lesson provides an excellent framework for using ICT at a whole-school or classroom level, as well as giving teachers ideas for a range of different strategies and applications. Mark has a gift for making things seem possible. Reading this book will give teachers the confidenceto try out some new approaches without worrying that they're not ICT experts. It's an intelligent book, which many teachers will find useful and inspiring.Tom Sherrington @headguruteacher, Head Teacher, King Edward VI Grammar School, Chelmsford Perfect ICT Every Lesson seeks to remove the fear some educators have when using ICT to enhance learning. The book dispels the myth that embracing technology in the classroom takes hours of discovery and days of practice before it is exposed to learners. Mark Anderson skilfully discusses techniquesand tools whilst maintaining interest in the possibilities that are available to all. The developing pedagogy is outlined to the reader with relevant case studies and examples.There is real craft in the way the learning process is discussed with reference to a tool that should only be used where it is appropriate. Mark successfully informs and relaxes the reader in equal measure. Simple explanation scaffolds the wealth of experience that Mark possesses and it is testament to the author that we are eager to find out more about eachsuggestion.I would highly recommend Perfect ICT Every Lesson to all educators seeking to continue their own development and enhance learning for their students. This book will sit on top of the reference list when it comes to improving my ownmethods and I'm thankful it has come along at this stage in my career.Daniel Edwards @s