The Instructional Soul provides readers with a bold and fresh perspective on how our schools must systemically change to better prepare our students to lead and succeed in the complex world in which they will live, learn, work, and play. This book offers engaging stories and revolutionary ideas for transforming our factory-based institutions into student-centered, responsive, and fully integrated school systems. As educators and policymakers, we must lead our nation in courageously discussing the purpose and future of our schools, and the conceptual frameworks presented by Daniel J. Evans must be part of this essential discourse.
- Dr. Gennaro R. Piraino Jr., Superintendent superintendent of Schoolsschools, Franklin Regional School District, 2019 Pennsylvania Superintendent of the Year,
For our educational systems to succeed in preparing young people for a rapidly changing world and unpredictable future, many recognize the urgent need to envision a redesign of our schools. The good news is that help is on the way, thanks to this compelling book, The Instructional Soul. This beautifully written, powerful, and accessible resource employs a systems thinking approach to new ways of leading, learning, and teaching and provides educational leaders with a timely blueprint of insights and bold steps to revolutionize and transform today’s school systems.
- Dr. Tracy Benson, president, Waters Center for Systems Thinking,