<p><strong>TES Book of the Week, 21/03/03</strong><br /><br /><strong>'</strong><em>How Not to Be a Hypocrite</em><strong> is a cogent appeal for honesty and scrupulousness in an area of life that is more often characterised by woolly thinking and dodgy self-justification. Reading it, I felt at times as I imagine a small fly might when it realises too late that it has wandered into the web of a very large and clever spider. Swift's web is expertly woven ... Swift has cauterised his subject with methodical ruthlessness and the feel of the blade slicing into flabby thinking is exhilarating. The result is an impassioned, timely plea for moral honesty and social responsibility.'</strong> - <em>Rebecca Abrams, New Statesman</em><br /><br /><strong>'The debate over whether it is ethical to send children to private schools has been re-ignited by a contoversial new book by an Oxford academic.'</strong> - <em>The Oxford Times</em></p>