OMG! This book is a real eye-opener to educators everywhere who tend to discount today’s “screenagers” and the texting codes they use to communicate. In a very accessible way, Dr. French presents practical strategies to use that blend research-based practices with classroom applications that create real breakthroughs to improved writing skills for our “digital native” students. The ideas presented will motivate even the most reluctant writer. Furthermore, this book is a very helpful tool for limited-texting teachers to feel more confident and competent in making writing instruction more relevant and real to all of their students.
- Kathy Perez, professor emerita, Saint Mary’s College of California, consultant, and author,
I believe this book should be read by every pre-service and practicing English teacher in the world because it is so practical yet deeply based in current research. The idea of “code-switching” was new to me but it makes so much sense that we need to teach students how to maneuver between academic writing and digital writing based on the situation. This translation between the two types of writing requires critical thinking and skills that need to be explicitly taught. Today everyone is a new language learner in informal and formal writing situations and this book brings the reader practical lesson examples about how to bring these code-switching practices to the classroom.
- Meg Ormiston, teacher, international keynote speaker, and lead author of the NOW Classrooms book series,