Fullan and Quinn make the case for an educational paradigm that places humanity and its needs at the center. In clear and compelling language, they explain how we can move quickly from the schools we have to the ones our society needs. For those who recognize that education is critical<br />
to creating a more just and equitable future, this book will serve as a guide and source of inspiration.
- Pedro Noguera, Los Angeles, California
<em>The Drivers</em> is truly a book for the moment. Fullan and Quinn offer a set of interlocking design principles, brought to life by cases of school- and district-level transformation, which light a way toward a future where all can thrive. The book manages to be both clear-eyed and aspirational—a<br />
combination that will resonate with stakeholders at all levels of the system.
- Sarah Fine, San Diego, California
This book is an engaging must-read for all educators involved in systems change because it offers strategies centered on<br />
the humanity and well-being of stakeholders. It will help you rebuild a framework around systems change with meaningful insights from successful school communities around the world.
- Michele Broadnax, Los Angeles, California
Fullan and Quinn have braided together some of the most important, current, and cutting-edge research with a clear understanding of the challenges of moving theory to practice. This book offers powerful advice on shifts that must happen in our school system and society if we are ever<br />
to achieve the pluralistic, multiracial democracy we have promised to our children.
- Jeff Duncan-Andrade, San Francisco, California
A timely book that provides an innovative approach to education. Fullan and Quinn draw on extensive international and practical experience to comprehensively understand the drivers essential for fostering change in education. This is a must-read for educators, policy makers, and anyone interested in positively impacting education and the world.
- Leandro Folgar Ruétalo,, Uruguay
This is truly great work—an arresting and compelling guide to transforming our systems of education. It demands the exercise of our crucial role as stewards in service to and in cooperation with others. <em>The Drivers</em> reactivates the lifeblood of a human system of learning.
- Anthony Mackay, Washington, D.C.
Fullan and Quinn’s passionate and easy-to-read book is a call to action that will inspire and inform those seeking to transform our education system so that every learner has the deep learning required to survive and thrive in a complex world. This is what is needed to drive the necessary transformation of our schools.
- Sandra Milligan, Melbourne, Australia
Fullan and Quinn’s four interrelated drivers build an ecosystem that enables learners to live with themselves, live with people who are different from them, and live with the planet. This is the daring and ambitious agenda we need given the challenges humanity faces.
- Andreas Schleicher, France