The prime purpose of the series is to provide a forum for different and sometimes divergent perspectives on what intellectual leadership means within the context of higher education as it develops within the 21st century. The series draws on interconnections between intellectual histories and intellectual leadership in the field.
What are universities for in the 21st century? This is a question that is now debated not only within universities themselves but within wider society and across the political spectrum: we can no longer assume a consensus regarding the ends and purposes of higher education or the role of universities in fulfilling those ends and purposes. Consequently, leadership within higher education cannot simply be a matter of effectively managing the status quo. Leadership necessarily involves an analysis of trends and changes in the global 21st century world and of how the university might contribute to its central mission as the critic and conscience of society. In short, it requires intellectual leadership that is both visionary and programmatic: visionary in its understanding of the present and future impact of globalisation and programmatic in its grasp of how universities might respond to that impact. Importantly this requires an understanding of the intellectual history of the field and the mapping of the changes, continuities and challenges that have marked universities as sites of knowledge.
What might constitute intellectual leadership? This series aims to address that question directly with reference to (1) historical shifts and changes in the field, (2) leaders and leadership of institutions of higher education, (3) the remapping of knowledge of the field, and (4) interrogating critical issues that impact on the role of universities in wider society. It aims, in other words, to explore the following questions:
· What characterises intellectual leadership and how can the dispositions necessary for intellectual leadership be understood?
· What is the role of leadership as intellectuals and public individuals?
· How can universities help us reshape our understanding of the changing landscape of knowledge and of its mandate to act as the critic and conscience of society?
· How might an intellectual history of the field be mapped and understood?
Central to all these questions is the importance of interconnectivity in a context of increasing institutional and global complexity: interconnectivity within and across institutions, regions and cognate fields. The gathering of agreement is one of the prerequisites of intellectual leadership at every level – and that requires an understanding of different viewpoints and opinions some of which may be in direct conflict with others. The capacity to balance, respect and contain these differences is what constitutes intellectual leadership.
Finally, the series aims to be inclusive and wide ranging in its authorship. It features authors from across a range of nation states, across disciplines and from a range of scholars located at different levels within the academic hierarchy. While the series highlights the specialist field of higher education studies and scholarship, an inter-disciplinary scope is encouraged.
Advisory Board:
Sarah Aiston, University of Teesside, UK
Michael Apple, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Ronald Barnett, University of London, UK
Hamish Coates, Tsinghua University, China
Anne Corbett, London School of Economics, UK
Rosemary Deem, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK
Kevin Dougherty, Teachers College, Columbia University, USA
Claus Emmeche, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Ase Gornitzka, University of Oslo, Norway
Chris Husbands, Sheffield Hallam University, UK
Will Hutton, Academy of Social Science, University of Oxford, UK
Fred Inglis, University of Warwick, UK
Niilo Kauppi, University of Strasbourg, France
Eric Lybeck, University of Manchester, UK
Bruce Macfarlane, University of Bristol, UK
Jani Ursin, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Yuko Takahashi, Tsuda University, Japan
Ly Tran, Deakin University, Australia
Leesa Wheelahan, University of Toronto, Canada
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