At a time when national interest in school vouchers and school choice is very high, there are valuable lessons to learn from Milwaukee, which has the oldest and most impactful voucher program in the United States. Mike Ford is an excellent person to teach those lessons. In this book, he provides a clear-eyed, knowledgeable, realistic, and insightful examination of the record and results of the voucher program, along with provocative thoughts on what public policy lessons it teaches.
- Alan Borsuk, Marquette University Law School,
At a time when the national debate over school choice is more vicious and polarizing than ever, Michael Ford brings some well needed balance, nuance, and perspective to the issue. Grounded in the real experience of Milwaukee families, rather than ideology or theory, he makes a compelling case for a more cohesive approach to improving urban schools.
- Michael J. Petrilli, President, Thomas B. Fordham Institute,