I am convinced the confrontation framework outlined in this book will help change the cycle from school leaders avoiding tough conversations to confidently addressing unsatisfactory performance. Confrontation Management provides the secret sauce of how to address performance concerns in a respectful, direct, and meaningful way that provides clarity and support, while maintaining a trusting relationship. It is a book our professional development company will recommend for all school leaders!
- Tamara Konrade, director, INspired Leadership and VentureIN,
Confrontation Management is a quality resource all school leaders should read. Miller provides a wide variety of scenarios and considerations school administrators deal with on a regular basis. The framework gives principals and superintendents guidance on how to handle difficult conversations in a way that any new or veteran school leader can apply. It is definitely worth the quick read.
- Deron Durflinger, superintendent, Van Meter School District, Van Meter, Iowa,
Insightful and thought provoking. Miller gives school leaders the tools and language to confront urgent personnel issues while maintaining positive relationships. I urge you to read this book and use the strategies to transform your organization.
- Joel Pedersen, superintendent, Cardinal Community School District, Eldon, IA,