"Hewlett and Rashid make a powerful case that companies keen to recruit and develop these women should help them manage specific challenges they face, such as safety when travelling or responsibility for the care of ageing relatives... the book offers useful lessons in how big business can do better." -- BusinessDay "In Winning the War for Talent in Emerging Markets, [Sylvia Ann Hewlett and Ripa Rashid ] debunk the stereotypes of the oppressed Arab woman, the bikini-clad Brazilian, the Bollywood heroine, and the adoring Asian wife, and focus instead on well-educated women determined to achieve in their careers." -- Global Business and Organizational Excellence "...this book is a fascinating examination of the lives of women in these very complex and fast-changing societies, and should appeal to anyone interested in attracting and keeping women employees who have different cultural and personal pulls than their male counterparts in every society." -- Jack Covert, 800 CEO READ "I highly recommend the thought provoking and well researched book...to any business leaders who are actively recruiting and hiring talented employees in the developing world. This book demonstrates the competitive advantage that any company will discover by hiring and retaining the highly educated and ambitious women of the emerging economies." -- Wayne Hurlbert, Blog Business World