Introduction: Why a Handbook of Macro Organizational Behavior? - Stewart Clegg
Part One: Framing the field: introducing some big questions
What do OB Tools and Instruments do? - André Spicer
What does Knowledge Work do? - Tim Ray
Freedom and Constraint under the ′Neo-Liberal′ Regime of Choice - Alan Scott and Richard Weiskopf.
Managerialism and its discontents - Martin Parker
Positive Organization Scholarship: What does it achieve? - Arran Caza and Kim Cameron
Part Two: Macro Organizational Behavior and Immanent Processes
Learning in Practice - Elena P. Antonacopoulou
Shaping Organizational Commitment - Robert Roe, Omar Solinger and Woody van Olffen
Organizational Power - Raymond Gordon
On the (be)coming and going of organizational change: prospect and retrospect in sensemaking - Ian Colville
Organizational Identity - Andrew Brown
Organizational Conflict - Stephen Ackroyd
Organizational Careers - Kerr Inkson and Yehuda Baruch
Top Management Teams and Team Working - Sarah MacCurtain and Michael West
Succession Management: Building talent across organizational generations - Jay A. Conger
Leadership - David Collinson
Part Three: Macro Organizational Behaviour and Key Practices
The Labor Process, Surveillance, and the Person in the Sight of the Organization - Graham Sewell
Implementing Employment Equity in Gendered Organizations for Gendered Lives - Judith Pringle, Alison M. Konrad, and Anne-Marie Greene
Managing Multiculturally in Organizations in a Diverse Society - Gill Kirton
The Organization of Human Resource Strategies: Narratives and Power in Understanding Labour Management in a context of fragmentation. - Miguel Martinez Lucio
Organizational Moral Responsibility - Carl Rhodes and Alison Pullen
Organizations and Society: Sustainability Deconstructed - Suzanne Benn
Managing Organizational Expressions - Majken Schultz and Mary Jo Hatch
Management fashion and organizational behaviour - Rene ten Bos and Stefan Heusinkveld
Part Four: Organizing on a macro-scale
Organizational Change Management - David Wilson
We have always been Oligarchs: Business Elite in Polyarchy - David Courpasson
Organizational Design - Gerard Fairtlough and Rosemary Beckham
Projects for life: Building narrative capital for positive organizational change - Arne Carlson and Tyrone Pitsis
Corporate Governance - Rob Watson
Introduction - Cary L Cooper & Julian Barling
Psychological Contracts - Jacqueline A-M. Coyle-Shapiro and Marjo-Riita Parzefall
Commitment in the Workplace: Past, Present and Future - John P. Meyer, Timothy A. Jackson and Elyse R. Maltin
Taking Stock: A Review of more than Twenty Years of Research on Empowerment at Work - Gretchen Spreitzer
Two Decades of Organizational Justice: Findings, Controversies and Future Directions - Jason A. Colquitt
Trust in Management: An Interpersonal Perspective - M. Audrey Korsgaard
Organizational Citizenship Behavior: A Review and Extension of its Nomological Network - Mattias Spitzmuller, Linn Van Dyne and Remus Ilies
Teams at Work - Helem M. Williams and Natalie J. Allen
Dysfunctional Workplace Behavior - Sandra L. Robinson
Absenteeism and Presenteeism: Not at Work or Not Working Well - Gary Johns
Job Insecurity - Tahira M. Probst
Voluntary Employee Turnover: Determinants, Processes and Future Directions - Wendy R. Boswell, Lily Run Ren and Andrew T. Hinrichs
Unemployment and Retirement - Terry A. Beehr and Misty M. Bennett
Emotions at Work: A Review and Research Agenda - Alicia A. Grandey
Conflict in Workgroups - Karen A. Jehn and Sonja Rispens
A Boundaryless Perpective on Careers - Jeffrey H. Greenhaus
A Century of Compensation Research - Matt Bloom
Employee Motivation - Gary P. Latham and Edwin A. Locke
Leadership - Timothy A Judge, Erin Fluegge Woolf, Charlice Hurst and Beth Livingston
A Multi-level Conceptualization of Organizational Politics - Sean Lux, Gerald R. Ferris, Robyn L. Brouer, Mary Dana Laird and James Summers
Knowledge Work - Susan E. Jackson and Ying Hong
High Performance Work Systems - Roderick D. Iverson, Christopher D. Zatack and Melissa McCrae
Work Design: Still Getting Stronger - Heather C. Vough and Sharon K. Parker
Job Performance - Sobine Sonnetag, Judith Volmer and Anne Spychala
Work-family Conflict - Joseph G. Grzywacz and Adam B. Butler
Sexual Harassment in Organizations: A Decade of Research in Review - Lilia M. Cortina and Jennifer L. Beardahl
Work Stress - Steve M. Jex and Maya Yankelevich
Employee Alcohol and Illicit Drug Use: Scope, Causes and Organizational Consequences - Michael R. Frone
Psychology of Workplace Safety: A Thematic Review and some Possibilities - Anthony E. Carroll and Nick Turner
Cross-cultural Research in Organizational Behavior - Heidi K. Gardner and P. Christopher Earley
Mergers and Acquisitions: Why 2 + 2 does not Always Make 3 - Susan Cartwright
Organizational Change - Alannah E. Rafferty and Mark A. Griffin
Nonstandard Work Arrangements: Meaning, Evidence and Theoretical Perspectives - Daniel G. Gallagher and Catherine E. Connelly
Labor Organizations - Anthony Yue, E. Kevin Kelloway and Lori Francis
Discrimination - Stelle M. Nkomo
Work and Well-being - Jennifer Carson and Julian Barling
Chapter 36: Positive Organizational Scholarship - Jane E. Dutton and Mary Ann Glynn
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